Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How to Choose the Right Heating Technician

Monday, December 4th, 2023

When something is very important to your well-being and comfort, it should be taken quite seriously, and you should make careful choices about the people who help you keep it in good condition. If you needed a doctor, you wouldn’t call on any random person who said, “hey, I know how to fix people.” You’d make sure they were qualified first!

The same should be true of the people you trust with your heating system. A furnace or heater is a big investment, and it’s not something you should take risks with. How can you choose the right heating technician? What qualifications should they have? Here are our recommendations.

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5 Quiet Signs of Furnace Malfunction

Monday, November 20th, 2023

One of the most obvious signals that a furnace is having trouble is when it makes a new or unexpected noise. But not all furnace problems are noisy. Without that audible alert to an issue, it’s harder to tell that something’s wrong. When a furnace has a silent problem, you’ll know that it’s time for repair if you spot one of these five warning signs. 

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A Guide to Your Furnace’s Efficiency

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Heating and cooling comprise the majority of energy use in American homes. This means it has a more significant environmental impact than any other use of energy as well as a bigger impact on our bank accounts. It also means this is the area where paying attention to efficiency can have the greatest effect.

Being armed with as much knowledge as possible will help you to have the tools to improve the efficiency of your home. As we move into cooler weather, what should we know about furnace efficiency, and how can we maximize it? Here’s the information you need.

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Is Your Heater Harming Your Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Heating your home is essential. However, sometimes it seems the price we pay to keep our homes warm is a little steep, and it’s more than just the financial price. For one thing, keeping our homes tightly sealed up so we can heat efficiently means not having fresh air, and breathing recirculated germs. And for another, the process of heating dries out the air, dramatically lowering the humidity of your home. 

What can you do to maintain good indoor air quality without sacrificing the warmth you need from your heater? Here are some suggestions.

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When Is It Too Late For Furnace Maintenance?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

We are creeping closer to spring. This means that you’ll likely be turning your attention toward your air conditioner soon. Don’t forget about your furnace just yet though!

If anything, recent weather events have shown that we will be battling with the cold for a while longer. Is your furnace going to be able to handle that?

The truth is that, at this point, you may need furnace service in Kingsburg, CA. This is when it is a good idea to schedule maintenance for your furnace, even late in the season. As long as the system is running, it isn’t too late!

Here’s what you should know.

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5 Sounds No Heater Should Make

Monday, February 13th, 2023

If your car or your computer started making odd noises, we hope you wouldn’t ignore it. After all, these noises may be the warning sign that allows you to catch a repair need before it shuts the whole system down.

The same idea applies to your heater.

A heater will make some noise when it runs. After all, silence indicates the heater isn’t operating at all.

There are noises that your heater should and shouldn’t make. Let’s look at these two categories so you can figure out if your system needs a heater repair in Fresno, CA.

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When To Upgrade Your Thermostat

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Your thermostat is the brain of your heating and cooling system. Without this part of your comfort system, it can’t do much of anything.

We want you to take a moment to consider how well your thermostat is working. Or, rather, can its functionality be considered as “working” at all? A faulty thermostat can ruin your home comfort and your HVAC system efficiency.

If you are battling with your thermostat, then you should consider an upgrade. We are happy to explain why.

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5 Reasons to Start the New Year With a New Furnace

Monday, January 16th, 2023

It is never easy to decide that you need a replacement furnace service in Clovis, CA. However, if the time has come for a system upgrade, you don’t want to delay it.

We know that a replacement is a big investment of time, energy, and money. It may help to understand the benefits that will come from that investment. Aside from having a more up-to-date system in the house, you can count on the following benefits when you get your furnace replacement taken care of ASAP.

Our team is here to help when you are ready to get started.

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Give Yourself the Gift Of Great Heater Services

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Keeping your heater in prime condition is a gift that keeps on giving. Imagine the stress that a faulty heater can bring to a holiday celebration that you simply want to enjoy with loved ones. Now imagine the relief you’d enjoy if that worry was gone.

As you can guess, repairing or tuning up a heater that is struggling can be a great benefit to your home comfort this season. Here’s what you need to know about helping keep your home warm in an effective and efficient way.

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8 Signs You Need Expert Heater Repairs

Monday, November 21st, 2022

When is it better to have a heater breakdown, in the fall, winter, or spring? If you are like us, your answer would probably be none of the above! A heater breakdown is never convenient because it can force you to get an early replacement and may leave you without access to heat for days (depending on the supply chain).

So how can you prevent that worst-case scenario? The first option is scheduling yearly maintenance for your heater. We encourage this for good reason. But even maintenance won’t prevent every problem. To handle bigger issues that a tune-up can’t prevent, you’ll need to get an expert heater repair in Fresno, CA. Here’s how you can tell it is time to make the call.

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