Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Schedule Your Heater Maintenance Today

Monday, October 10th, 2022

furnace-service“Wait, why are we talking about heaters? It’s hot enough right now!”

We get that a heating subject may seem strange to see right now but there is a reason we are bringing this up. What better time to get maintenance for a system than before you need to use it? After all, this makes it easier to get the work done without asking you to sacrifice the use of that system while you’d rather have it running.

Before the cold weather arrives (and let’s be honest our nights have already begun to get chilly), we want to make sure that you get your appointment on the calendar for heater maintenance in Fresno. We’ll also explain why it is so important to get this job done every year.

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Why Your Heat Pump Smells Wrong

Monday, February 28th, 2022

How to Prevent Ductwork Contamination in Your Fresno HomeHave you ever thought to yourself, “I wonder what my heat pump smells like?” The answer is probably not! This is because your heat pump really isn’t supposed to produce any kind of smell, to begin with! A little bit of whooshing noise, yes, but no smells.

So now you may be curious as to why you can smell something off when you run your heat pump. Did something get into your vents? It could have. There is more than one issue that can create a smelly heat pump problem. Thankfully we know how to identify the problem and fix it for you.

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Radiant vs. Forced-Air Heating

Monday, February 14th, 2022

feet-on-radiatorWe may not see the below-zero temperatures that some other areas do during wintertime, but it still gets cold in Fresno at this time of year. And when the weather gets chilly, it pays to have a good heater in your home to keep things warm and comfortable.

The question that you might be facing now is which type of heater you want in your home. There is more than one kind of heater out there. Knowing your options can help you feel a lot more prepared when the time comes to schedule an installation for your next heater.

So, let’s take a look at one of the bigger questions you need to answer: do you want a radiant heater or a forced-air heater?

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Why Your Heater Can’t Produce Warm Air

Monday, January 17th, 2022

chilly-man-no-heatA heater that isn’t able to heat your home really isn’t a heater. Until you get the system heating again or replace it with a system that does create warmth, you really just have an overly expensive fan in your home that you really don’t want to use.

You may be confused as to why your heater is struggling to do its job. We understand the curiosity. There is, unsurprisingly, more than one possible cause for this issue. The good news is that our team can address all of them with repairs or, if necessary, a system replacement!

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3 Signs You Need a New Heater

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

How to Decide If You Should Repair or Replace Your HVAC SystemThis isn’t the time of year when you want to battle with your heating system. It has been cold and wet and all anyone wants to do is hunker down at home in the warmth. If you can’t heat up your home though you have a problem on your hands.

It is frustrating to have a heater that refuses to work. While an HVAC contractor in Fresno, CA can provide repairs for your system, you may also need to discuss whether or not you need to replace your system.

Here’s what you need to know about the warning signs that you need a new heater.

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Easy Ways to Gift Yourself Better Comfort

Monday, December 20th, 2021

Have you thought about giving yourself a little something this season? We aren’t talking about a new phone case or video game of course but rather about investing in your comfort. We know it might sound odd but taking the time to check on your Fresno, CA HVAC system and make sure everything is up to snuff can pay you back in the long run.

We are a team of experts that are ready and willing to help keep you warm. However, if you can manage to keep your heater in prime condition for the maximum amount of time possible, we’d say that’s even better. With that in mind let’s look at some great ways you can give yourself the gift of better home comfort this season.

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Save Some Green With End of-Season Heating Repairs

Monday, March 15th, 2021

While we are all looking forward to enjoying warmer weather it does not mean that it is time to simply turn off your heater until fall. If your heating system needs to be repaired it is better to get this task done before shutting your system down.

It is worthwhile to take some time to have a professional technician check your heater to address a possible late-season heating repair in Clovis, CA. If your system is left with an unaddressed repair need it is likely to cause even more serious trouble later on.

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3 Reasons to Consider a Heater Upgrade

Monday, March 1st, 2021

dog-under-blanketRecent temperatures have been a nice reprieve from the cold weather that we have been battling for the past couple of months. However, it doesn’t mean that winter is over. Things are bound to cool back down and you need to have a reliable system for heating in Fresno, CA when it gets chilly again. If your heater has been less than reliable lately it may mean that it is time to consider a system upgrade.

If you are unsure whether or not you need an upgrade or you can get by with a repair we can help. We’ve provided some of the most common reasons that you should consider an upgrade so you know whether or not it is the right time to reach out to us. If you are still unsure whether you need a replacement or not contact our team to get the help of a professional. We will never suggest a service you don’t need.

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3 Reasons to Love Your HVAC Pro

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Your heating system, whether it is a furnace or a heat pump, has a lot of complicated parts that allow it to do its job. This means that, much like your desktop computer or laptop, it requires a certain level of expertise to address any problems in its internal workings. You wouldn’t crack open your computer tower and start messing with wires you knew nothing about. The same applies to your heater.

If something is wrong with your heating system no matter what it is your best option is to leave the job up to a professional technician. Professionals are trained to address issues that pop up within your system without harming anything or creating extra problems. There is more than one reason to reach out to an HVAC contractor in Fresno, CA for your heater services and to appreciate the great work they do.

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“What Happened To The Warm Air?”

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Things are slowly starting to get back to normal. You made plans to meet with some friends for a small Valentine’s Day celebration. Nothing big, just catching up, exchanging some candy, and enjoying the ability to spend time together face to face.

As you are making your preparations though you notice that you’ve started to shiver and folding those cheesy cards has gotten harder because your fingers are frozen. You check the thermostat and see that the temperature setting is where it should be. You can hear the heater running too. So where is all that warm air?

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