Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Should You Consider a New Thermostat This Year?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Imagine trying to drive a car without a wheel. Okay, maybe that is a bit too much. Imagine trying to get a phone to work without any buttons or touchscreen function. In with case, your ability to command the device is gone. This is what it is like having a heater without a working thermostat.

Your thermostat is vital to your Lemoore, CA HVAC system–without it, your systems wouldn’t have any way to know when you wanted them to turn on or for how long. If your thermostat is malfunctioning, a lot can still go wrong. That is why, if you’ve been doing battle with your thermostat, we want you to know that now is a great time for new beginnings.

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How to Handle Dry Air

Monday, December 21st, 2020

humidifierDry air may not seem like a problem but it can easily be something that creates a lot of trouble with your comfort. It makes it harder for your heating system to operate and can mess with other parts of your comfort too like causing dry skin or cracked wood furniture.

If you have problems with overly dry air in your home, you are likely wondering what in the world you can do to resolve the issue. It’s not like walking around the home with a spritzer is going to make much of a difference. With the help of our HVAC service in Fresno, CA you can find a reliable solution that deals with this issue in a reliable manner. This solution is the installation of a whole-home humidifier.

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How to Tell Your Furnace Needs a Fix

Monday, December 7th, 2020

dog-under-blanketThe sun may be out in our area but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cold. It can be disconcerting to walk outside expecting a warm environment and, instead, getting hit with cold air. The best way to deal with this is by making sure that your home is going to provide you with the warmth and comfort you need most when the temperatures are at their lowest. At least that way you can enjoy a sense of relief when you walk in the door.

This won’t be the case if something is wrong with your furnace though. A furnace in need of repairs is going to struggle to heat your home if it is able to accomplish the goal at all. If this situation sounds familiar to you, it is time to reach out to us for heater service in Fresno, CA.

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Is Your HVAC System Ready for the Holidays?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

dog-under-blanketDid you put up your holiday decor in July this year? Whether you decorated back then to lift your spirits or you are working on getting your home ready for the holidays now, we want to make sure that your home will be comfortable as well as wonderfully decorated. Our role in this won’t be helping you hang lights (bummer for us) but will instead be making sure that your heater is in its best possible shape.

Maybe you’ve run your heater several times already these past several weeks as temperatures have dropped. During that time it is possible that your heater has run into some trouble. When you notice something is wrong with your heating system, you can come to us to resolve the issue.

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Why Heater Maintenance is Important

Monday, November 9th, 2020

dog-under-blanketThe temperatures around here feel like they dropped at the speed of a rollercoaster. We went from wearing shorts and trying to keep cool to wrapping up in sweaters and blankets. The change happened pretty quickly but that doesn’t mean it is too late for your heater to get its yearly tune-up. In fact, it makes it even more important! If this is when the cold is really truly setting in, don’t you want to make sure you take care of your heater so it can take care of you?

You may be wondering if heating maintenance is really worth it. We want you to know that it is, and it is actually quite important for your comfort this fall and beyond. Some people think it is fine to wait until they need a heating repair in Fresno, CA but the truth is this can be really bad for your system over time. There is more than one reason that we suggest you schedule a tune-up every year.

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Is It Time For a Heater Replacement?

Monday, March 16th, 2020

question-markThe heat has been less reliable than usual at your house and you are starting to get nervous. Yes, we may live in California but Fresno gets pretty cold even through spring. It isn’t all sunshine all the time and on days when it drops below ?? you need a heater that you can trust to do its job.

With this in mind, if your heater is having serious trouble, you may need to start considering whether you need to replace the system or not. If you are dealing with a troublesome Fresno, CA heating unit, thankfully you have a good resource here to help you determine what you next step may need to be. Let’s take a look at what the signs might be that you need to say goodbye to your old heater.

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End of Season Heater Repairs

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

ductless-remotePicture this: You have a laborious job that is having you pull added shifts for months on end with only a few occasional days off. And even on those days off you often get called in to do more work. Sounds exhausting right?

This is essentially what your heating system has experienced since the temperatures in our region started dropping during the holiday season in 2019. We aren’t trying to make you feel bad for using your heater; the system is meant to be used! What we are trying to call attention to is the fact that after continuous use for months, your heater likely needs some upkeep and repairs. All that use adds up after all!

Not sure what kind of help your heater might need? Not to worry. We can help with diagnosis and heater repair in Madera, CA. But first, let’s take a look at what the indicators for different repair needs might be.

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Tips To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, February 17th, 2020

woman-blowing-noseMadera is a wonderful place to live but it also has its fair share of problems, especially when it comes to air quality. We are surrounded by farmland which means we are prone to the onslaught of allergens and dust that come with springtime and any harvesting activity. What’s more, we are also in California which means that we have our yearly share of the smoke and ash from the fires that impact the state during that time of the year.

Thankfully, you have a pretty good system in place to keep your home clean and clear from the contaminants and irritants that may bug you once you walk outside the front door. That is, you hope you do. Your Madera, CA HVAC system is made to filter the air that comes into your home but there are things you can do to help your system keep your indoor air quality where it needs to be.

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Has the Time Come For a New Furnace?

Monday, January 20th, 2020

chilly-man-no-heatThe cold weather we have been experiencing here in California has been pretty impactful. Everyone is bundled up and our heaters are running full throttle, especially when we are waking up to temperatures that are just a little bit above freezing.

It is understandable then why you would be annoyed if you turned on your heating system to defrost the house before you left for work and discovered it wasn’t helping when you got home. Whether it isn’t turning on at all or it is just blowing cold air around the home, a busted furnace isn’t going to improve your comfort in the least.

But is it a repair call you should be making? Or is it time for you to speak with a trained professional about your options for a furnace replacement?

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What Heater Works Best For You?

Monday, January 6th, 2020

man-keeping-warmYou finally are going to be able to get the house that you always dreamed of built! Or, maybe you recently moved into an older home that never had a heater installed. Whether your home is in the process of being created or it has been around longer than Fresno has, you deserve to have a working heater in your home.

When it comes to heating in Fresno, CA though, there is a wealth of options. Your choice has several factors that can affect it but at the end of the day the most important decision is this: what heating system is going to meet your needs in the best way possible?

Well, because we are the professionals who made their name providing home comfort to residents all around Fresno, we are happy to say we can help you narrow down the playing field.

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