Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Putting Off Heater Repairs Is a Bad Idea

Monday, November 25th, 2019

chilly-man-no-heatIt seems like California has finally remembered that it is fall instead of summer. The sun is hiding in the clouds more often and temperatures have dropped a lot. We are breaking out the blankets and big coats, and turning on the heater. The cozier days of the year are here but they are likely to be a lot less comfortable if you heater starts to malfunction.

If you turned on your heater for the first time recently and noticed it doesn’t seem to be acting quite right, you may have brushed it off. As long as it is still warming the home for now, that strange noise or the reduced airflow isn’t that big of an issue for now, right? The truth is, these new developments within your heating system are actually a bigger deal than you may realize and they are a call for heater repair Madera, CA.

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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule a Maintenance Check

Monday, November 11th, 2019


You had some expenses this year that weren’t in your regular budget. Maybe you moved to a new home, or you had a job change, or you had some extra medical expenses. Whatever the case was, it took you longer than normal to get your budget balanced again and by then it was too late to schedule your usual appointment with your friendly local HVAC technician to check your system.

Or is it?

The truth is that the only time it is too late to get maintenance for your Madera, CA HVAC system is when it needs to be replaced. Until the, maintenance is always a good idea. This is especially true because it can actually stave off an early replacement!

Still not sure if a maintenance check is worth it? Read on to find out why it is a good idea for your system and your wallet.

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Don’t Delay Your Ductless Repairs

Monday, April 1st, 2019

Summer is approaching faster than you may realize, but even so, it is important to take care of any heater repairs in Clovis, CA that were left unattended over the winter. This is especially true if you own a ductless system, as it works hard year-round to keep your family comfortable.

Unlike homeowners who are going to be turning off their heaters and turning on their ACs, homeowners with ductless systems are simply going to switch from heating mode to cooling mode. Therefore, it is important to schedule any outstanding repairs now.

If you own a ductless system, you are well aware of its benefits, however, that does not mean that it does not come with its own set of unique repair needs. Therefore, we have listed some of the unique needs of a ductless system so that you can be prepared if something goes wrong with your system this summer. Keep reading below to find out more!

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Does Your Heat Pump Need Repair?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Owning a heat pump definitely puts you at an advantage — you receive year-round comfort efficiently and effectively! Heat pumps are especially great for homeowners in California since the temperatures in the winter are quite mild. However great they are though, your heat pump is still going to require repairs from time to time, which you definitely don’t want to hold off on!

Holding off on your much-needed heater repair in Clovis, CA could leave you in quite a pickle, as it can cause your problem to worsen and lead to sky-high heating bills! This is why it is important to be aware of the signs that suggest you need heat pump repairs. Fortunately, we have taken this as an opportunity to list these signs for you below. Keep reading to learn more and schedule heat pump repairs if:

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Make the Switch to a Smart Thermostat Today!

Monday, March 4th, 2019

Your heater and air conditioner, no matter how great they are, would render useless without your thermostat. Your thermostat allows you to interact with both of your HVAC systems in order to create a comfortable environment inside your home. Modern advances in thermostat technology have allowed for greater efficiency and comfort, and homeowners across the country are making the switch to a smart thermostat. Old, outdated manual and digital thermostats simply can’t do what newer models can.

If you are curious about upgrading your thermostat, be sure to consult with a professional for your HVAC service in Fresno, CA.  There are so many options on the market today, and you want to be sure that you select the model that will best meet your home’s individual needs. In case you aren’t yet convinced, we have highlighted just some of the many reasons why you should make the switch to a smart thermostat. Keep reading to learn more. 

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Here’s Why You Should Consider Zone Control

Monday, February 18th, 2019

As homeowners, we are all looking for ways to save a few extra dollars every month, right? Well, one way we can do that is by thinking about the ways in which we use energy. When our heating and cooling systems are energy efficient, we spend less time worrying about costly HVAC repairs and high utility bills. No matter the season, there are always ways that you can improve your home’s energy efficiency. So, where do you begin?

There are many ways to boost your heating and cooling efficiency, but this week, we are going to be talking about one way in particular. Installing a zone control system grants homeowners ultimate control over their heating and cooling systems, increasing efficiency and lowering monthly spending costs. Below, we have listed just some of the many benefits of installing a zone control system in your home. Keep reading to learn more. 

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Choosing the Right Heater for Your Home

Monday, February 4th, 2019

feet-on-radiatorInvesting in a new heating system is a huge financial decision, so it is important that you do so carefully. There are many factors to take into consideration before you make any final decisions. This is why we always recommend consulting with a professional HVAC contractor in Madera who can walk you through every step of the process.

Selecting the right heater for your home doesn’t have to be so scary, especially if you are aware of your home’s specific needs. So, we have provided a quick guide to selecting a new heater below. Keep reading to learn more, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. 

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Why You Definitely Should Not Hold Off on Heating Repair

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Although the holidays might be over, winter certainly is not. We still have a couple of months before we can relish in the summer sun. This is why it is so important to keep your heater running efficiently. Your heater is responsible for keeping you warm and cozy throughout even the coldest of days. So, if you suspect that there is a problem with your heater, don’t hesitate to schedule repair services.

Waiting to schedule your services might not seem like a big deal: you can just ride out the rest of this season and repair it at a later time, right? Wrong. Holding off on heater repairs could end up costing you a lot of money in the long run and could leave you quite uncomfortable in your own home. When you need heater repair in Clovis, CA, contact a professional ASAP. Below, we have outlined a list of reasons why you should not hold off on services. 

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Signs That It’s Time for Heating Repairs

Monday, November 12th, 2018

HVAC return air vent near floorHere in California, the heat of summer gets much more attention than the chill of winter. That’s fair enough. We don’t get buried by snow or hit by subzero temperatures the way that they do in other parts of the country. Don’t let this fact lead you to believe that your heating system is any less important than your air conditioner, though. If you need heating repairs in Fresno, CA, then you need them promptly. Waiting only causes more problems.

Of course, in order to schedule heating repairs as soon as possible, you first need to understand what the warning signs of heating problems look like. You don’t want to wait for your heater to break down entirely before you go ahead and have it repaired. That is hardly what we’d call a proactive approach. That’s why we’ve put together this guide of common heating red flags for you. Keep them in mind, and alert a member of our team the moment that you have any cause for concern.

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Schedule Your Heating Tune-Up Today

Monday, October 29th, 2018

furnace-serviceNo, our heating season is not as intense as the hot summers are. That does not mean that you should be taking any chances with your home heating system, though. You may not rely on your heater as heavily as you do your air conditioning system, but you are still going to need it to be there for you whenever the temperature drops below comfortable levels. And the only way that you can count on your heater is if it is properly maintained.

No, you cannot tune up your heating system on your own. No, it does not matter if you download a “maintenance checklist” from the internet. After all, even if that is a thorough and complete checklist, which is highly unlikely, you are still not going to have the skill and expertise needed to do the job the right way. We do, though, so take advantage of the benefits that professional heating maintenance in Fresno, CA has to offer.

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