Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Common Furnace Issues Heating

Monday, February 5th, 2018

HVAC-wiresWhile California is certainly more well known for its seemingly limitless sunshine than it is for its winter weather, the fact of the matter is that temperatures can and do drop well below comfortable levels around here. That is why it is so important for homeowners to have great heating systems installed in their homes, one of the most popular of which is the furnace. While modern furnaces are typically very reliable, you need to remember that no heater will ever be 100% reliable.

There are a number of problems that you may encounter with your furnace that could put your heating in Hanford, CA in jeopardy. While we cannot give you some magical ability to completely eliminate the risk of encountering such issues in your home, we can give you some helpful information regarding common furnace problems. These issues are not normal, and you should not ignore them just because it seems as though your furnace is still operating decently.

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Are There Cold Spots in Your Home?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

dog-under-blanketJust because our winters are not as cold as those in other parts of the country is no reason to overlook the fact that they are certainly cold enough for discomfort. When your home is chilly and drafty, there is no way in which you are going to be able to live in the level of comfort that you desire and, we believe, deserve. That is why you should do whatever it takes to eliminate cold spots in your home.

But why might cold spots pop up, anyway? Well, as is the case with most heating problems, there are a number of reasons why you may encounter cold spots in your home. The Hanford, CA heating professionals on our team are here to help, though. When we investigate the situation, we’ll give you the proper diagnosis the first time around. From there, we can advise you as to how you can best go about resolving the problem and live more comfortably.

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Have You Considered Ductless Heating?

Monday, January 8th, 2018

ductless-remoteDo you have a new home being built? Are you ready to decide how it is that you will go about heating that home for the years to come? Do you just want to replace your existing heating system with something new, and potentially much more efficient? Then you should definitely be thinking about using ductless heating in Visalia, CA.

While the design of ductless mini split systems does make them ideal for retrofits or even for installation in very old properties that were not really constructed with air ducts in mind, this does not mean that just anyone can handle the installation of such systems. In fact, installing, repairing, and maintaining ductless mini splits all demand the skill and expertise that only qualified professionals can offer. Give us a call today to have the job done right.

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Have You Considered Radiant Heating?

Monday, December 25th, 2017

radiant-in-floor-heatingIf not, and you are ready to install a new heating system in a new home or to replace an existing heater, stop what you’re doing! Okay, that may be a little overly dramatic, but you really should not move forward with your project until you’ve given the option of radiant heating some attention. Radiant heating in Clovis, CA may not be quite as common as forced air heating, but the fact is that these systems have a lot to offer.

Today, we’re going to help you to better understand how it is that a radiant heater actually heats a home, as well as what the benefits of heating your home in this manner are. Upon review, you may just realize that a radiant heater is what you’ve been looking for all this time. While radiant heating is not right for every home and every homeowner—if it were, there wouldn’t be so many options to choose from—many homeowners swear by it.

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How Heating Maintenance Really Pays Off

Monday, December 18th, 2017

perfect-temperatureWhen homeowners ask us how they can go about getting the most from their home heating systems, we always have one answer for them. That answer? Scheduling routine heating maintenance in Kingsburg, CA. Simply put, there is no better way in which to go about getting the very best performance that your home heating system has to offer.

Today, we’ll talk a bit more about just what heating maintenance entails, and how it can pay off in the long run. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to a member of our team. We’re always here to help, and we’re more than happy to handle your heating maintenance services for you.

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Do You Need Heating Repairs?

Monday, December 11th, 2017

chilly-manMany people seem to think that California is a warm, sunny place to be throughout the entire year. This could not be further from the truth, though. Just step outside once the sun’s gone down tonight, and you’ll see that California actually has plenty of cold weather to throw our way. With that in mind, it should go without saying that you need a great heater installed in your home if you hope to make it through the coldest time of the year comfortably.

Now, we have to remind you that even the best heaters out there, even when properly installed and routinely maintained, are still going to require professional heating repairs at some point. There is simply no such as a 100% reliable heating system—or mechanical system in general, for that matter. If and when you do run into the need for heating repairs, remember that scheduling them as soon as possible is always going to be in your best interest. That also means that you need to know how to spot them, though.

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Go Ductless and Save Money

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

ductless-mini-split-blowerThese days, efficiency and affordability are at the forefront of homeowners minds when it comes to keeping their homes comfortable. If you are serious about boosting the efficiency with which you do so, particularly in terms of heating, then we have a suggestion for you. Opt for a ductless mini split system in Hanford, CA. Ductless mini splits are among the most efficient of all residential HVAC options.

We’ve talked about the benefits of ductless heating in particular previously, and there are many to consider. Today, we want to focus in on the economical benefits of using a ductless mini split system. Keep the following information in mind, and remember to schedule service with us if you decide that it is time to take ductwork out of your home comfort equation. 

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Forced Air vs. Radiant Heating

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Our nighttime temperatures are still pretty chilly, but days are going to be hitting the 60’s pretty regularly in the weeks ahead. The heating season is definitely not over yet, but we’ll be back to warmer, more comfortable weather before long. Now is a good time to start thinking about replacing your heater if you are not convinced that your existing system has another season of service left in it.

The two main types of heating that homeowners today are looking at are forced air and radiant heating systems. Both have their pros and their cons. Keep the following information in mind, and always schedule your heating services in Kingsburg, CA with our team.

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How Do Heat Pumps Heat Homes?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

We live in an area that does not experience the incredibly cold weather that Minnesota or Vermont do. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to worry about heating your home effectively, though. Just because we don’t have to put up with temperatures regularly falling below zero doesn’t mean the chill of the winter does not affect us.

It does mean that we live in an area particularly well suited to the use of a heat pump, though. If you haven’t given much thought to using a heat pump in Madera, CA, you should fix that. Thanks to the unique method of heating that they employ, they can offer some truly great benefits. 

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Spotting the Need for Heating Repairs

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Living in California does not mean that you do not have to worry about your heating system. Yes, today’s heaters are very effective and quite reliable. No mechanical system, however, is going to be completely immune to operational problems. Your heater is included here.

You may not be able to completely avoid problems with your heater, but you can limit the issues that this particular heater leads to. The key to doing so is to spot signs of trouble early on. Here are a few indicators that you may need heating repairs in Fresno, CA.

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