Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is Ductless Heating Right for My Home?

Monday, October 10th, 2016

This is a question that more and more homeowners are asking. Unfortunately, there is no simple “yes” or “no” answer to be given. There are a lot of different factors to consider, including your own personal user preferences. That being said, many homeowners are finding that, yes, ductless heating is precisely what they’ve been looking for.

Read the following information, and be sure to contact a member of our team with any questions that you may have. We will help you to determine if ductless heating in Clovis, CA is right for you. If so, know that you can count on our technicians to get your system installed properly from start to finish.

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Why Consider Radiant Heating for My Home?

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

The furnace is a forced air heating system, and is probably the most popular heater in the country. If you think forced air heating is your only option, though, or that it is inherently the best option for every situation, think again. The fact is that different homeowners have different preferences, and different home designs benefit from different heating systems. When the time comes to schedule a heating installation or replacement, you should give radiant heating in Fresno, CA some serious attention.

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Furnace FAQ: What’s That Odor?

Monday, September 26th, 2016

With the cooler weather settling in for the fall season, it is time to start thinking about the performance of your home heating system. You are not going to be running your heater with great regularity just yet, of course, but it won’t be long before chilly nights have you dialing the thermostat up to comfortable levels. If you turn on your furnace for the first time this year, only to be hit with an odd odor, you may have a problem on your hands.

There are a few reasons as to why your furnace in Madera, CA may emit a strange odor. Not all of the them are terribly serious. Some are, though, so having the system and the situation assessed and evaluated by a trained professional may be necessary.

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What Are You Waiting For? Now Is the Time for a Furnace Tune-Up!

Monday, September 19th, 2016

We’ve got a considerable amount of warm, sunny days ahead of us. That doesn’t mean that you can afford to ignore the fact that the coldest time of the year is coming, though. If you want to ensure that you are able to live comfortably throughout our winter season, then you need to know for certain that your heater is ready for action.

The furnace is one of the most popular of all home heating systems, and it’s easy to see why. After all, modern furnaces are quite efficient, affordable to purchase, and, most importantly, they’re effective. Of course, the only way that you can hope to get the most from your furnace is to schedule a professional furnace tune-up in Kingsburg, CA.

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3 Tips for Ensuring a Successful Heating Replacement

Monday, February 29th, 2016

As we look forward to warmer weather in the coming weeks here in Clovis, CA, you are likely using your heating system a lot less. In fact, you might have noticed some troubling signs this winter that indicate it’s time for a heating replacement. Before you simply replace your system with a newer version of what you already have, take a look below at 3 tips we’ve shared to ensure a successful heating replacement.

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When Should I Schedule Heating Maintenance?

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Now that we are nearing the end of February, we can start to breathe a sigh of relief as the coldest weather of the year fades into memory. Before long we’ll be enjoying the warmth, sun, and fun of the summer season. Don’t let dreams of the summer heat cause you to forget about your heating system, though. It is vitally important that you have your heater serviced on an annual basis in order to keep your system functioning as well as possible. Some homeowners may think that it doesn’t make sense to have their heating system serviced at the end of the season. In truth, though, the time of the year is not what matters, but rather the yearly schedule.

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Why Does My Furnace Smell Like It’s Burning?

Monday, February 15th, 2016

As we venture further into the winter months, Fresno has already seen some pretty cold days, and even colder nights. This week has been pretty mild as well, but we’re expected to see some chilly nights and days soon. So if you are just starting to turn on your furnace, it’s vital to be aware of particular smells that could mean trouble.

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When Should I Schedule Heating Repairs?

Monday, February 8th, 2016

We’ve got plenty of chilly nights ahead of use, and your heater is going to be working hard for you throughout the remainder of the heating season. Ideally, you’ll make it through to the other end without encountering any problems with your system. The fact of the matter, though, is that there is no way in which to guarantee that this is the case. It is very possible that your heater will develop operational problems before the heating season is through. If it does, remember that prompt heating repairs in Fresno, CA are always for the best. Keep an eye out for any signs of potential heating problems.

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3 Benefits of Using a Zone Control System

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Here in California, we have a more intense summer season, weather wise, than we do a winter. However, it should be noted that you will still need to have a great heating system in your home if you hope to make it through the coldest time of the year, even if our winters are fairly mild. If you’re looking for an HVAC system upgrade that will benefit your heater greatly, while doing the same for your AC when the cooling system comes back around, then consider the installation of a zone control system in Fresno, CA. Just remember to have the pros here at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning do the job, so that you know it’s done right.

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Have You Considered a Thermostat Upgrade?

Monday, December 14th, 2015

While our winter weather is relatively mild when compared to the heat of the summer, the fact remains that you will depend upon your heating system quite a bit throughout the winter season in order to ensure that you are able to live at the level of comfort that you demand. If you want to enjoy that comfort in an reliable and efficient manner, then you need more than a good furnace or heat pump installed in your home. You also need a great thermostat with which to control your heating system at large. That is why you may want to consider upgrading your thermostat in Madera, CA. If you decide to do so, then remember to schedule service with the professional technicians at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning.

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