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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Summer Indoor Air Quality Need Help? Employ These Tactics

Summer Indoor Air Quality Need Help? Employ These TacticsAs any allergy sufferer would agree, the air you breathe has a direct affect on your health and comfort. Your home should be a refuge from bad air, but often the air indoors is as bad, or worse, than the air outside. In summer, indoor air quality may worsen as allergens find a way in, despite closed doors and windows. These allergens and other pollutants can be reduced in the following ways.

Controlling allergens

Summer is a time for backyard cookouts, vacations with the family and, unfortunately, high pollen counts. Pollen can find its way indoors every time a door is opened or through vents and air leaks in your house. It can also hitch a ride on clothing and any items brought into the home.

Other common allergens, such as mold, also thrive during the extra warmth of summer. Mold growth slows during cool weather but can accelerate rapidly when the weather turns balmy.

One way to combat allergens in your home is by using air cleaners. You can either have a whole house air cleaner installed to work with your HVAC system, or you can purchase portable air cleaners. No matter which you choose, there are many different models and types. For the purpose of allergy relief, look for those specifically designed to remove pollen and other allergens.

The filter used in a portable air cleaner is one of the most important aspects of the unit. Filters are rated according to MERV – Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. Filters rated between MERV 7 and 12 are usually adequate for filtering common allergens. Higher-rated filters (MERV 13-16) are as well, though they may impede airflow in your HVAC system, which is something to be avoided.

Monitoring carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide monitoring is important for any home. Any poorly vented or malfunctioning fuel-burning appliance or device can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. At high concentrations, the gas can cause death.

Carbon monoxide detectors sound an alarm when concentrations of the gas exceed acceptable levels. Install at least one detector on each floor of your home.

For more advice about improving indoor air quality and other aspects of home comfort, please contact MR Cool at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning. We have been serving the Fresno area for nearly 40 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the greater Fresno, California area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about indoor air quality and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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