Tips To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

February 17th, 2020

woman-blowing-noseMadera is a wonderful place to live but it also has its fair share of problems, especially when it comes to air quality. We are surrounded by farmland which means we are prone to the onslaught of allergens and dust that come with springtime and any harvesting activity. What’s more, we are also in California which means that we have our yearly share of the smoke and ash from the fires that impact the state during that time of the year.

Thankfully, you have a pretty good system in place to keep your home clean and clear from the contaminants and irritants that may bug you once you walk outside the front door. That is, you hope you do. Your Madera, CA HVAC system is made to filter the air that comes into your home but there are things you can do to help your system keep your indoor air quality where it needs to be.

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Why Now Is a Great Time For AC Maintenance

February 3rd, 2020


The weather in Hanford is still pretty darn cold so it is understandable that no one would be thinking about their air conditioning systems at the moment. We are bringing up your cooling unit for a reason though, and that is because we want to give you a heads up that this is the perfect time to get a jump start on your yearly maintenance service.

Yes, February may seem overly early but, again, this is actually a perfect time to get your maintenance done on your air conditioner. Aside from our state’s ability to knock us over with heat waves that come out of nowhere, there are several reasons to get this service done early.

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Has the Time Come For a New Furnace?

January 20th, 2020

chilly-man-no-heatThe cold weather we have been experiencing here in California has been pretty impactful. Everyone is bundled up and our heaters are running full throttle, especially when we are waking up to temperatures that are just a little bit above freezing.

It is understandable then why you would be annoyed if you turned on your heating system to defrost the house before you left for work and discovered it wasn’t helping when you got home. Whether it isn’t turning on at all or it is just blowing cold air around the home, a busted furnace isn’t going to improve your comfort in the least.

But is it a repair call you should be making? Or is it time for you to speak with a trained professional about your options for a furnace replacement?

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What Heater Works Best For You?

January 6th, 2020

man-keeping-warmYou finally are going to be able to get the house that you always dreamed of built! Or, maybe you recently moved into an older home that never had a heater installed. Whether your home is in the process of being created or it has been around longer than Fresno has, you deserve to have a working heater in your home.

When it comes to heating in Fresno, CA though, there is a wealth of options. Your choice has several factors that can affect it but at the end of the day the most important decision is this: what heating system is going to meet your needs in the best way possible?

Well, because we are the professionals who made their name providing home comfort to residents all around Fresno, we are happy to say we can help you narrow down the playing field.

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4 Ways to Improve Heating Efficiency

December 23rd, 2019

savingsThe holiday season is just about at its peak and soon we will be in the lazy post-celebration days in which all of us collectively notice just how much we managed to spend. Ouch.

When the wallet is feeling a little tight after that last gift exchange, many of us may look for ways to cut back. One approach you might have considered is seeing how long you can go without using your heater. While this may seem like a viable option, it isn’t necessary. This is especially true because the pros on our team have put together a little list of ways that you can improve the efficiency of your heater. These tips will ultimately help ease the demand on your heater and help you keep that money in your wallet where it belongs.

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3 Sounds That Are a Furnace’s Cry For Help

December 9th, 2019

wondering-what-noises-are-coming-from-furnace“What is that noise?”

You’ve been asking yourself that question for days and you have yet to be able to find an answer. What you may not realize is that the strange sounds you’ve been hearing might be coming from you furnace.

While it might be common knowledge that no furnace runs completely quiet, there are most definitely sounds that it shouldn’t be making. The key here is that you need to know what noises to listen for. If you aren’t sure what noises that you might hear that could indicate that you should schedule a furnace repair in Fresno, CA in the near future, we can help.

Below we have listed a few sounds that you could hear in your home that could actually indicate your furnace is trying to send you a cry for help.

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Why Putting Off Heater Repairs Is a Bad Idea

November 25th, 2019

chilly-man-no-heatIt seems like California has finally remembered that it is fall instead of summer. The sun is hiding in the clouds more often and temperatures have dropped a lot. We are breaking out the blankets and big coats, and turning on the heater. The cozier days of the year are here but they are likely to be a lot less comfortable if you heater starts to malfunction.

If you turned on your heater for the first time recently and noticed it doesn’t seem to be acting quite right, you may have brushed it off. As long as it is still warming the home for now, that strange noise or the reduced airflow isn’t that big of an issue for now, right? The truth is, these new developments within your heating system are actually a bigger deal than you may realize and they are a call for heater repair Madera, CA.

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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule a Maintenance Check

November 11th, 2019


You had some expenses this year that weren’t in your regular budget. Maybe you moved to a new home, or you had a job change, or you had some extra medical expenses. Whatever the case was, it took you longer than normal to get your budget balanced again and by then it was too late to schedule your usual appointment with your friendly local HVAC technician to check your system.

Or is it?

The truth is that the only time it is too late to get maintenance for your Madera, CA HVAC system is when it needs to be replaced. Until the, maintenance is always a good idea. This is especially true because it can actually stave off an early replacement!

Still not sure if a maintenance check is worth it? Read on to find out why it is a good idea for your system and your wallet.

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Why Do I Need an Air Purifier?

October 28th, 2019

viral-bacteria-airborneAccording to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, it is flu season once again! Well, in actuality, the flu virus can strike at any time throughout the year but instances of people contracting the flu increases around fall and winter, starting in October.

We all know what to do: get our flu shots, wash our hands, stay well-rested and hydrated. But what if your home HVAC system could help keep you safe from this nasty illness?

The good news is, your air system actually can help protect you from unwanted germs and bacteria. It does this with the help of an air purifier which is made to specifically take down these types of contaminants before they enter your home

If you want to learn more about how an air purifier in Madera, CA can help protect your health, read on!

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3 Cost Benefits of Solar Energy

October 14th, 2019

solar-panelsSolar power has been a prominent subject of discussion in California as of late, especially as the state moves forward in its plan to require all new homes to be built with solar panels starting in 2020. If there was ever a place to do this though, California is the state for it. As we all know, Fresno alone gets over 200 days of sun per year, making it a perfect place to enjoy the benefits of solar panels.

The question people pose when discussing solar energy is, of course, the cost. We still relate the idea of solar panel installation and operation with high expenditures. The reality is that this is no longer the case. While solar might have a slightly higher price tag initially, it actually saves homeowners more money in the long run.

We want to give you some information on the benefits of using solar panels for your home’s energy needs. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, we would love to help you set up an appointment for solar installation.

If you are wondering if solar panels are worth the cost, we want to assure you they are. In fact, they will help you save more money than you spend on them over time. Here are three big cost benefits that come with using solar panels in Fresno, CA:

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