Tips for a Better AC Performance

August 20th, 2018

condenserFirst off, note that we didn’t say a perfect AC performance. An air conditioner, even the best one on the market and even those installed by trained, experienced professionals, is still a  mechanical system. That means that, like any other mechanical system, they are subject to occasional operational problems. When that time comes, you can count on us to provide you with exceptional air conditioning repairs. Our air conditioning services in Hanford, CA are nothing if not comprehensive.

Okay, that being said, how can you get the best performance that your air conditioner can offer?  That is the subject of today’s post. Just because we’re already pretty far into the summer season doesn’t mean that this type of information can’t still be of use! So read on, and remember that our technicians are the ones that you want on the job if you want the best performance possible from your home cooling system.

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Why Your AC Is Running Irregularly

August 6th, 2018

woman-with-fanToo often, homeowners fail to report problems with their air conditioning systems early on. Sometimes this is due to the fact that they think the issue at hand is just “no big deal”. Other times, they figure that they’ll just wait for a system to break down before addressing the problem, which you should never do. In many instances, however, homeowners simply fail to realize that something is wrong. This is especially common when dealing with irregular cooling cycles.

As long as the air conditioner is starting up and is blowing out cool air, some people just assume that the system is doing fine. This really is not the case, though. Short cycling is something that affects many air conditioners, for many reasons, and it can cause many problems. The fact that an air conditioner is running doesn’t mean that it’s running right. Fortunately, you can always count on us for quality air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA.

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This Uneven Cooling Is Driving Me Mad!

July 23rd, 2018

yellingThe purpose of a whole-house air conditioning system is to cool your house, obviously. Using a central system to cool your entire home should result in even, comfortable temperatures throughout your entire living space. If you use a whole-house cooling system and you are struggling with uneven temperatures and hot spots in your house, then you have every reason in the world to be dissatisfied.

There are actually quite a few reasons why you may encounter this particular problem in your home. Whatever the precise nature of the issue may be, you obviously want to be certain that you are working with trained professionals that will resolve it completely. That means not only hiring a company that will fix the problem, but that will also diagnose the issue promptly and accurately the first time. So here are a few reasons why you may experience uneven cooling from your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

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Wait—Air Conditioners Get Water Leaks?

July 9th, 2018

AC-technicianYou may not have much cause to meander past your indoor air conditioning unit all that often, depending upon its location in your home. You should be in its direct vicinity at least on a monthly basis, however, because you need to change its air filter at least that often. So what if you are passing by your unit, and you notice that it is surrounded by water? What would you do in that instance? Assume that you have a water leak and call a professional plumber?

Well, the problem with this is that air conditioning systems do not actually use water in their efforts to cool your home. They do not have a water tank of any kind, nor are they fed water for any purpose. So—where the heck is this water coming from? And should I be concerned? The short answers to these questions are frustratingly vague. There are a few potential problems that could be behind it and: maybe. So let’s take a closer look at the issue, and help to determine if you need professional air conditioning repair in Hanford, CA.

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Prepare for the Heat with Tips from Our Team!

June 26th, 2018

hello-summerWe are not in this business for the glitz and the glamor of it. No, our technicians’ main motivation is much simpler—to keep our clients happy and comfortable throughout even the hottest days of the year. Your complete satisfaction is all the recognition that we need.

Sometimes, however, the worlds of AC services and broadcasting collide. That’s what happened when we were asked for some tips and insights on keeping cool as triple-digit temperatures strike this summer. Check out our segment here, and be sure to schedule your AC services with the pros on our team.

Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning for your AC service needs. We strive to provide honest answers and solutions to the problems our customers experience while remaining highly competitive in price, and offer the fastest turnaround you can find!

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What Do AC Coils Do?

June 25th, 2018

outdoor-AC-unitsMost homeowners do not really have a thorough knowledge of how their air conditioning systems work to cool their homes, much less the various components that the system uses to do so. While we don’t expect you to be an expert on such matters—after all, that’s what we’re here for—we do think that it is in every homeowner’s best interest to have a basic understanding of their air conditioning system.  That is why we’re focusing on a couple of specific components today.

These components are your air conditioner’s coils. More specifically, the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. These coils perform fairly similar, if reversed functions. Do you know what else they have in common? If they are damaged or even just very dirty, your air conditioner and the overall quality of its performance is at risk. That is why the Fresno, CA air conditioning pros on our team want you to understand just how important your air conditioning coils really are.

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Why Invest in Solar Technology?

June 11th, 2018

solar-techniciansIf you subscribe to the old adage that variety is the spice of life, then right now is a very spicy time to be alive indeed! Whatever project you are looking to complete around the house, it seems like there are more and more options to consider now than ever before. This is certainly the case when it comes to how you choose to heat and cool your home. Did you realize that you have options when it comes to how you power your home too, though?

Solar energy systems are definitely more popular than ever, and today we are going to look at why that is. After doing so, you may just start to realize that a solar energy system is right for you. The great news is that reading this means that you have already found the company to work with when you decide to take the plunge and install solar panels in Fresno, CA—along with the rest of the equipment that a solar energy system requires.

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How Basic Maintenance Protects Your AC

May 28th, 2018

tools-on-ACIf you have read our blog before, then you have no doubt seen us touting the virtues of professional air conditioning maintenance. So why are we bringing it up again? Because a new cooling season is upon us, and some information simply bears repeating. At the end of the day, the facts are clear. If you want to get the most efficient and effective performance possible from your air conditioner, then you need to schedule annual AC maintenance with qualified technicians.

Another benefit of routine maintenance is that it keeps the need for air conditioning repair in Visalia, CA at bay. Now,  it is important to note that you cannot expect your air conditioner to work with 100% reliability. That simply is not possible. However, you can expect your air conditioner to function as reliably as possible when it is properly maintained. By scheduling service with the pros on our team, you’ll be able to cool your home with well-earned confidence. 

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Running Irregularly?

May 14th, 2018

AC-technicianOnce the heat of summer really gets back into full swing, is your air conditioning system going to be there for you in order to keep your home cool and comfortable? Obviously, investing in good equipment and keeping that equipment well-maintained by scheduling annual tune-ups is going to give your system a good fighting chance. The truth is, however, that even the best and most well-maintained systems will stumble from time to time.

Now, an air conditioner that won’t start up at all or that is pumping hot air into your home is an air conditioner that is obviously in need of professional air conditioning repair services. There are plenty of instances in which you may need AC repairs in Madera that aren’t quite as obvious, though. An AC that is running irregularly is certainly one of them. Just don’t fool yourself into thinking that such problems are “minor” enough to wait on.

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Making Your AC Installation Smooth Sailing

May 7th, 2018

don't-forgetIs investing in a new air conditioning system the most exciting way in which to spend your hard-earned money? No, probably not. That doesn’t mean that you are never going to have to make this particular investment, though. Whether you are building a new home that will need a new system, or you’ve got a system in place, AC installations and replacements are part of home ownership.

There is no reason that the process has to be a particularly rough one, though. Today, our Visalia air conditioning service pros want to share some tips about how you can make your next air conditioning installation as smooth a process as possible. When you need any air conditioning service, be it installation, maintenance, or repair, our team is always here for you.

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