Can I Cool My Home without Ducts?

April 30th, 2018

ductless-blowerYes, you can—and no, you do not have to do so with multiple window unit air conditioners installed throughout the house. While these window units do have their uses, such as cooling a single dorm room or maybe a studio apartment, they are far from ideal for cooling an entire house. When the heat comes back to our area, and it will come back hard, you need to know that residential AC system is up to the task at hand.

That is why you should consider using a ductless mini split system in your home. The system may not be ideal for every home or every homeowner, but no system is. For those homeowners that the system is the right fit for, there is nothing that can compare to the many benefits that ductless air conditioning has to offer. Just remember that any air conditioner that you invest in is only as good as your air conditioning service in Clovis, CA.

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What Role Does Refrigerant Play in My AC?

April 16th, 2018

AC-technician-workingAn incredibly important one, that’s what role it plays! Of course, regular readers of our blog know that there is a lot more information coming below—we just wanted to get that basic answer to the question posed in the title out there right away. Refrigerant plays an integral role in the overall cooling process, which relies on heat transfer, that allows your air conditioner to keep your home comfortable even as temperatures soar outside.

So let’s take a look at precisely what the refrigerant in your AC does for your system—as well as the trouble that may ensue if you have a low refrigerant charge in that system. While we are at it, why not also talk about why you may have a low refrigerant charge to begin with? All that, and more, after this brief message from our—oh, sorry. We got a bit carried away there. Just keep reading, and remember to contact us when you need air conditioning service in Hanford, CA.

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Remember to Replace Your Air Conditioner’s Filter Regularly

April 9th, 2018

air-filterWe’re inching closer and closer to the summer season, and that means that a lot of homeowners in this area are starting to turn their attention back to their home cooling systems. Annual tune-ups are getting underway, and AC contractors’ phones are starting to ring more and more. Things may be getting busy, but we still want to take the time to share an important AC tip with you.

That tip? Remember to change your air conditioner’s air filter regularly this cooling season. Yes, your AC technician will do this for you during your annual AC tune-up in Fresno, CA. No, once a year is not going to cut it. These filters will typically need to be changed every 1-3 months, and keeping up with it will benefit you in a few ways.

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Now Is a Great Time for That AC Tune-Up

April 2nd, 2018

AC-topviewThe last thing that you want to do is go into another long, hot summer season unprepared. What does preparing for the summer mean? Different things for different people. Maybe you’ve got a lot of trips planned out, or you just want to play it mostly by ear. One step of preparation that everyone in this area should take, though, is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Hanford, CA. The benefits of doing so and the risks of not doing so are too great to overlook.

Annual air conditioning maintenance will only be as beneficial as possible to you, of course, if you remember to schedule this vital service with skilled, trained professionals. That is why we urge you to leave your AC tune-ups to a member of our team. Be sure to give us a call before the heating season really sets in. That way, your air conditioner will not be caught off-guard when the hottest weather of the year arrives.

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Is a Tank or Tankless Water Heater the Way to Go?

March 19th, 2018

tankless-water-heaterWe love giving our customers sound advice and answers to the questions that they ask. In this case, however, giving sound advice means that the best answer we can give is: it depends. There are far too many factors to consider when getting into the question of tank vs. tankless water heaters to provide a definitive answer in a blog post. Different homes have different needs, and different homeowners have different personal preferences.

So while we’d need to speak with you directly—and please do contact us with any questions that you have—to really get a feel for which system is right for you, we can give you some valuable information that can help you start to weigh your options in an informed manner. Both tank and tankless water heaters have their pros and cons, and we are determined to help you your ideal water heater in Visalia, CA. So let’s take a look at what each system has to offer.

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New AC—Is This the Year?

March 12th, 2018

woman-electric-fanSpring is a very pleasant time of the year in this part of the country. Cool nights, warm but not oppressively hot days—what’s not to like? Don’t let the pleasures of spring lull you into a false sense of security, though. Temperatures can turn very hot very suddenly, which means that your air conditioner needs to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

While routine AC maintenance will definitely help to keep your air conditioner in great fighting shape, you have to keep in mind that your air conditioner, regardless of make or model, is not going to last forever. Is the year to replace your air conditioner in Hanford, CA? If so, then now is the time to get the job done!

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Do Solar Panels Ever Need Repairs?

March 5th, 2018

question-markSolar panels, for as impressive as their technology may be, are fairly simple in terms of basic mechanics. They are installed in a solar array in the yard, or right up on top of your houses on the roof. Then, well, they just kind of sit there and suck up the sun’s energy. The fact that there are not a lot of motors and gears that can wear down and break does not mean that your solar panels in Fresno, CA are never going to require repairs, however.

In fact, they most likely will require repairs at some point. If and when they do, you are really going to want to get your solar panels back on track as quickly as possible. Even if your house is not totally off the electrical grid, you don’t want to just wait on repairs and wind up missing out on the benefits that led you to invest in solar panels in the first place, right?

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Why Hire Professionals to Install Your Solar Panels?

February 19th, 2018

solar-panelsAre you thinking about ways to cut back on your energy costs? Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint? Using solar energy is a perfect way to accomplish both goals, allowing you to live the modern luxuries that we’re so accustomed to while also making use of perhaps our greatest renewable resource—the sun’s rays! If you want to start taking advantage of solar energy in your home, you are going to need trained professionals to install your solar panels in Fresno, CA.

There are certainly jobs around the house that homeowners can handle on their own. Even the most hand and capable homeowners understand that certain projects are really beyond their capabilities, though. In fact, it is the mark of a truly responsible homeowner to make that distinction. If and when you do decide to start using solar energy, remember to schedule your solar panel installation with the professional solar technicians on our staff. We’ll make sure that the job is done right.

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When to Replace an HVAC System

February 13th, 2018

AC-technicianLet’s say that you suddenly had a decent amount of money fall into your lap. You haven’t treated yourself to an indulgent purchase in quite some time. What do you do with this windfall? Chances are that the first option you thought of was not “get a new HVAC system”. Well, it may not be the most exciting purchase that you’ll ever make, but the fact remains that you are going to need to replace your HVAC system at some point. It’s a matter of “when,” not “if”.

So when does it make sense to go ahead and replace your HVAC system? That’s what we’re going to be discussing today. If you have any questions about your options, or if you’ve decided that now is the right time to schedule your Visalia, CA HVAC replacement services, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll make sure that your new system is installed properly and that it’s just what you need to live in the comfort that you deserve.

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Common Furnace Issues Heating

February 5th, 2018

HVAC-wiresWhile California is certainly more well known for its seemingly limitless sunshine than it is for its winter weather, the fact of the matter is that temperatures can and do drop well below comfortable levels around here. That is why it is so important for homeowners to have great heating systems installed in their homes, one of the most popular of which is the furnace. While modern furnaces are typically very reliable, you need to remember that no heater will ever be 100% reliable.

There are a number of problems that you may encounter with your furnace that could put your heating in Hanford, CA in jeopardy. While we cannot give you some magical ability to completely eliminate the risk of encountering such issues in your home, we can give you some helpful information regarding common furnace problems. These issues are not normal, and you should not ignore them just because it seems as though your furnace is still operating decently.

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