Water Heater FAQ: Tank or No Tank?

April 17th, 2017

tankless-water-heaterAs spring progresses slowly but surely toward the summer season, the majority of homeowners are shifting their focus toward their air conditioning systems. Don’t get so preoccupied with thoughts of the warmer weather to come that you overlook your other systems and appliances, though. This is especially true of your water heater, which, unlike your heater or AC, does not have an off-season. If you are ready to replace an old water heater, or if you need to purchase one for a new home construction process, you need to choose that system carefully.

The two major contenders for most homeowners today are tank and tankless water heaters (though we also install and service solar water heaters). Because investing in a new water heater is a pretty major expense, and because you will rely on this system for so many daily tasks, it really is vital that you get the water heater best suited to your needs. When you schedule your water heater services in Madera, CA with us, you’ll have no doubt about it.

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AC FAQ: Is It Time to Replace?

April 11th, 2017

We’ve already had some fairly warm days in the past week. Chances are that you may have already run your air conditioner a bit this year. If you have, and you have not been impressed by the results, and you’ve already had your system tuned up, then you may want to start thinking about replacing your AC before the weather gets any hotter. The same goes for those systems that failed to impress during the last cooling season. If you are ready for an AC replacement in Hanford, CA, just give us a call.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

April 3rd, 2017

How Do You Determine What Size Your Tankless Water Heater Should Be?Now that the chilliest days and nights of the year are behind us once more, many homeowners are turning their minds to their air conditioners. When the temperatures really heat up in this area, there is just no way to live in comfort without a great air conditioner working at peak performance levels in your home. That is why any problems with your air conditioner are of such serious concern. Perhaps with the exception of a total breakdown, the most obvious cause of air conditioning trouble is a system that is blowing warm air.

If you have warm air coming from your AC vents, you need to contact a member of our team right away. The longer that you wait to do so, the worse off your comfort and very likely your system will be. Don’t let manageable problems turn into very serious headaches due to inaction on your part. We’re here to guarantee that your air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA are completed properly.

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning On and Off?

March 20th, 2017

working-on-air-conditionerNow that it is officially spring, many homeowners throughout the area and, indeed, throughout the country are looking forward to the summer season. Hot temperatures, fun days at the beach, and everything else that comes along with summer is too enticing to just force it out of one’s mind. Just remember that, summers around here being as hot as they are, you really need to know that your AC is going to function at peak performance and efficiency levels if you want to get through the hottest time of the year unscathed. This is simply not going to be possible if your air conditioner is short cycling.

Sometimes, people think the fact that their ACs are running at all means that they are running properly. This could not be further from the truth. If your air conditioner in Fresno, CA is starting up, running only briefly, and then cycling back down quickly, then it is short cycling. This type of operation will take a toll over time, and in a number of different. But why does short cycling occur?

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Now Is a Great Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

March 14th, 2017

We are definitely quite a few weeks shy of the hottest time of the year right now. That doesn’t mean that your air conditioner should not be on your mind quite yet, though. In fact, this is a great time of the year to schedule routine air conditioning maintenance in Kingsburg, CA.

It is not yet so hot that you’re going to be running your AC, thus making shutting it down for maintenance inconvenient, and AC technicians are not going to be at their busiest with repairs and service calls. Remember, scheduling routine maintenance is the best thing that you can do for your air conditioning system.

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We Are Now an Enphase Premium Installer

March 6th, 2017

enphase-premium-installerIn our last blog post, we discussed some of the benefits of using solar energy to power your home. We also mentioned some of the fine products that we use in our solar installations in Clovis, CA, including those from Enphase. This week, we are proud to announce that we are now an Enphase Premium Installer. This is a great honor for our company, and we are proud to have earned this recognition from a company that we so happily work with.

Enphase really does represent some of the finest innovation and manufacturing in the solar energy industry, and it only makes sense that they want to ensure that their exceptional products are well-represented by exceptional installers. That is what makes this partnership so special to us, and is also why you should know to come to our team when the time to go solar arrives at your home. We’d like to share with you a bit more information about what it means to be an Enphase Premium Installer, and why you should choose Enphase products to begin with.

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Start Taking Advantage of Solar Energy!

February 20th, 2017

solar-pv-panelOne thing that we are not lacking for in this part of the country is sunshine. Because of this, many homeowners in the area are using solar energy systems in order to power their homes. Using solar energy has a lot of different benefits to offer homeowners. As you can imagine, setting up a solar PV system that will function as effectively and reliably as possible is not a job that just anyone can handle. There is no point in making the jump to solar energy in Madera, CA if you are not going to enjoy an outstanding performance from your system.

Fortunately for you, our solar technicians are here to eliminate that risk entirely. Not only can we design a great solar energy system for your home, but we also install products from top manufacturers in the clean energy industry. These include Enphase Energy and SolarWorld. Contact us today with any questions that you may have. 

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Maintain a Healthful Environment with a UV Air Purifier

February 14th, 2017

We’ve had a chilly winter season so far, and your heater has no doubt been working hard in order to keep your home warm and cozy. Once summer returns, your air conditioner is going to be in regular rotation in order to keep your home cool and comfortable. We know that you want to maintain accurate temperature settings in your home, which is why we offer such great HVAC services. However, you must also be sure to maintain great indoor air quality in your home.

That is why we often recommend that homeowners use UV air purifiers. Not every home will require one, but for those homeowners struggling with a certain type of pollutant, the UV air purifier is a powerful ally. Consider the following information, and contact us if you are interested in using a UV air purifier in Fresno, CA.

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Prepare for the Heat with a Whole-House Fan

February 6th, 2017

thermostat-is-risingWe know that it is early to start dreaming about hot summer days once more, but it is already February. That means that it won’t be too much longer before Spring arrives, with the hottest time of the year not too far behind. If you are thinking about how you can live comfortably while boosting efficiency this summer, all without replacing your entire air conditioning system, then a whole-house fan may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Whole-house fans have been around for decades, but they are definitely not as widely used as central air conditioning systems. This has something to do with issues common in older whole-house fans, but today’s systems are better than ever. If you are interested in using a whole-house fan in Fresno, CA, give the professionals on our team a call. We’ll make sure that your system is well-designed and expertly installed.

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Go Ductless and Save Money

January 23rd, 2017

ductless-mini-split-blowerThese days, efficiency and affordability are at the forefront of homeowners minds when it comes to keeping their homes comfortable. If you are serious about boosting the efficiency with which you do so, particularly in terms of heating, then we have a suggestion for you. Opt for a ductless mini split system in Hanford, CA. Ductless mini splits are among the most efficient of all residential HVAC options.

We’ve talked about the benefits of ductless heating in particular previously, and there are many to consider. Today, we want to focus in on the economical benefits of using a ductless mini split system. Keep the following information in mind, and remember to schedule service with us if you decide that it is time to take ductwork out of your home comfort equation. 

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