What You Can Use Solar Energy For

December 5th, 2022

We get plenty of sunshine here in California. It makes sense then, especially with rising energy costs, that you might want to see if you can get this natural resource to provide you with some extra legwork.

Solar energy and solar technology have only improved in the past couple of decades. If you haven’t considered adding solar systems to your home before, then now may be a great time to do so.

Read on to learn more about your options for solar services in Fresno, CA to see if today is the day that you want to get more from our abundance of sunshine.

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8 Signs You Need Expert Heater Repairs

November 21st, 2022

When is it better to have a heater breakdown, in the fall, winter, or spring? If you are like us, your answer would probably be none of the above! A heater breakdown is never convenient because it can force you to get an early replacement and may leave you without access to heat for days (depending on the supply chain).

So how can you prevent that worst-case scenario? The first option is scheduling yearly maintenance for your heater. We encourage this for good reason. But even maintenance won’t prevent every problem. To handle bigger issues that a tune-up can’t prevent, you’ll need to get an expert heater repair in Fresno, CA. Here’s how you can tell it is time to make the call.

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The Danger of a Cracked Heat Exchanger

November 7th, 2022

It is common knowledge that there is more than one repair need that can pop up for your furnace. The biggest thing to remember is that you should always get repairs on your heater taken care of as soon as possible.

There is one repair that we want to single out though. This is a crack in your heat exchanger. While every repair needs prompt service, a cracked heat exchanger is one of the more dangerous issues that can happen to your system. Read on to learn why it’s so important to address it.

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These Eerie Sounds From a Heater Mean Trouble

October 24th, 2022

After a summer of heat, the cool evenings and mornings that we see during fall are a welcome change. As things slowly but surely start to cool down, it means that we will be switching from cooling to heating.

Maybe you’ve already had to start using the heater in the morning, just to get everyone out of bed and started for the day. If that is the case though you may have started to notice that your heating system is making some odd noises. We can explain those noises and explain why they should prompt you to get your heating system repaired ASAP.

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Why Schedule Your Heater Maintenance Today

October 10th, 2022

furnace-service“Wait, why are we talking about heaters? It’s hot enough right now!”

We get that a heating subject may seem strange to see right now but there is a reason we are bringing this up. What better time to get maintenance for a system than before you need to use it? After all, this makes it easier to get the work done without asking you to sacrifice the use of that system while you’d rather have it running.

Before the cold weather arrives (and let’s be honest our nights have already begun to get chilly), we want to make sure that you get your appointment on the calendar for heater maintenance in Fresno. We’ll also explain why it is so important to get this job done every year.

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3 Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

September 26th, 2022

The fall season doesn’t leave us battling with pollen nearly as much as the spring season does. However, we do still see a lot of extra airborne debris in our area, and that debris can easily make its way into your home.

Smoke from recent fires, dirt, and dust kicked up by high winds, and even animal dander can all make their way into your home and start to mess with your home’s indoor air quality. You shouldn’t have to just bear through this though. When your indoor air quality isn’t at its best, it means it is time to talk to one of our experts about how to clear things up. We have the systems and services you need to address the biggest Fresno indoor air quality issues in your house.

Your indoor air quality is a big factor to consider when you are thinking about both your home comfort and health. Poor indoor air quality can make things pretty uncomfortable while cleaner air in your home can make things much more pleasant. If you are trying to clean up your home’s airflow, we can help with any of the following options.

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Using Solar Power To Help Your HVAC Energy Bills

September 12th, 2022

solar-techniciansIn the state of California, there is probably one resource we are never short on and that is sunlight. Most parts of our state have more than 250 days of sunshine throughout the year on average! So, why not make the most of that sunshine?

While we aren’t discouraging you from getting out of the house and enjoying the nice weather, that isn’t exactly what we are talking about here. Instead, we want you to think about putting the radiant energy that comes from sunlight to use to subsidize your home’s energy needs.

That’s right, we want to talk about using solar power in Fresno to keep your HVAC and overall energy bills more affordable.

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5 Signs Your AC Needs Repairs

August 15th, 2022

tools-on-ACIt is one of the last things you want to hear at this point in the summer but it is a fairly common situation to encounter. Needing repairs for your air conditioner at this point in the year is something that many people find themselves facing. While it isn’t ideal it also isn’t something to ignore.

The sooner you schedule your air conditioner repair in Fresno, CA to address an issue, the better off you’ll be. A big part of this is knowing when to contact a professional to address those problems. Here are the warning signs that will let you know that it is time to talk to a professional technician.

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Why AC Sizing Is A Big Deal

August 1st, 2022

AC-unitWhen it comes to choosing a certain size for anything (from tires for your car to clothes to wear), you always want to look for the right size. Having something in the right size makes a difference, after all, increasing effectiveness and comfort. And the size of your air conditioner is no different.

Well, okay, so the size for your AC that we are talking about might be a little different. That’s because this type of size doesn’t refer to the physical space that your system sits on. Instead, it refers to the amount of power that your Fresno air conditioner needs to cool down your home.

Having a properly sized AC can be the defining factor in regards to how well your system cools your home. Read on to learn everything you need to know.

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Is It Time To Replace Your AC?

July 18th, 2022

You don’t want to do battle with your air conditioner all summer, do you? We’d say the answer is probably no! After all, this time of year in Fresno is when you need this system the most. However, this time of the year is also the one that can put the most strain on this system and end up being “the straw that breaks the camel’s back.”

Translation: the height of summer is when most air conditioners give out. But remember that you don’t want to be without your AC! How can you get your AC replacement in Fresno before your system completely stops working? Watch out for these warning signs for a start!

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