Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioner’

Wait—Air Conditioners Get Water Leaks?

Monday, July 9th, 2018

AC-technicianYou may not have much cause to meander past your indoor air conditioning unit all that often, depending upon its location in your home. You should be in its direct vicinity at least on a monthly basis, however, because you need to change its air filter at least that often. So what if you are passing by your unit, and you notice that it is surrounded by water? What would you do in that instance? Assume that you have a water leak and call a professional plumber?

Well, the problem with this is that air conditioning systems do not actually use water in their efforts to cool your home. They do not have a water tank of any kind, nor are they fed water for any purpose. So—where the heck is this water coming from? And should I be concerned? The short answers to these questions are frustratingly vague. There are a few potential problems that could be behind it and: maybe. So let’s take a closer look at the issue, and help to determine if you need professional air conditioning repair in Hanford, CA.

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What Do AC Coils Do?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

outdoor-AC-unitsMost homeowners do not really have a thorough knowledge of how their air conditioning systems work to cool their homes, much less the various components that the system uses to do so. While we don’t expect you to be an expert on such matters—after all, that’s what we’re here for—we do think that it is in every homeowner’s best interest to have a basic understanding of their air conditioning system.  That is why we’re focusing on a couple of specific components today.

These components are your air conditioner’s coils. More specifically, the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. These coils perform fairly similar, if reversed functions. Do you know what else they have in common? If they are damaged or even just very dirty, your air conditioner and the overall quality of its performance is at risk. That is why the Fresno, CA air conditioning pros on our team want you to understand just how important your air conditioning coils really are.

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Why Is My AC Starting and Stopping So Frequently?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

AC-tech-outdoorsSomehow the calendar is telling us that it is already mid-September, and it seems to be accurate. With the year going by so quickly, it is safe to say that the heating season will be upon us sooner than we know it. That being said, our air conditioners still have plenty of work to do before the cooler winter season takes some of the strain off of them. While we may be reaching the tail end of the hottest time of the year, it is important to remain vigilant when it comes to your AC.

Any problems that start to develop with your air conditioning system should be dealt with immediately. Don’t tell yourself that your system can limp along for the next month and a half or so. Instead, contact a member of our team to schedule professional air conditioning repairs in Visalia, CA. One issue that you may notice is an air conditioner that is still starting up, but running only briefly before shutting back down. 

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The Benefits of Using a Central Air Conditioner

Monday, May 15th, 2017

AC-outdoor-unitLiving in California means that homeowners have a lot to enjoy. The food, the sunshine, the culture, and the general atmosphere is more than enough to recommend the lifestyle. Ensuring that you are able to enjoy your days here as fully as possible also means that you need to take measures to keep your home comfortable, of course. While we don’t live in the hottest area of the state, it still gets warmer than is comfortable for most people regularly. That is why you need to have a great air conditioner in place.

If you are trying to keep a single room or a small apartment comfortable during the hottest time of the year, then window unit air conditioners may do the trick. They are far from ideal for cooling a whole house down, though. When temperatures soar, you want to cool your home reliably and affordably. That is why you really should opt for a central air conditioner in Clovis, CA instead.

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning On and Off?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

working-on-air-conditionerNow that it is officially spring, many homeowners throughout the area and, indeed, throughout the country are looking forward to the summer season. Hot temperatures, fun days at the beach, and everything else that comes along with summer is too enticing to just force it out of one’s mind. Just remember that, summers around here being as hot as they are, you really need to know that your AC is going to function at peak performance and efficiency levels if you want to get through the hottest time of the year unscathed. This is simply not going to be possible if your air conditioner is short cycling.

Sometimes, people think the fact that their ACs are running at all means that they are running properly. This could not be further from the truth. If your air conditioner in Fresno, CA is starting up, running only briefly, and then cycling back down quickly, then it is short cycling. This type of operation will take a toll over time, and in a number of different. But why does short cycling occur?

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How to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill

Monday, June 20th, 2016

It would be great if you could keep your home cool and comfortable during the hottest time of the year for free. Of course, this is simply not the reality of the situation. If you find yourself wishing that you could cut down on your electricity bills, though, know that there are options available. We believe that you should never have to choose between comfort and your budget. When it comes to getting an outstanding performance from your air conditioner in Fresno, CA, we are the professionals to call. Consider the following options for cooling your home more affordably.

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Why Is My AC Costing So Much to Run This Season?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

If you have been in your home for a few years at this point, then you probably have a rough idea of just how much you spend in order to cool it during the summer season. It can get pretty warm in this part of the country during the summer months, and you really need your AC to operate as efficiently as it does effectively. If you’ve noticed, now that you’re running your AC a bit more regularly, that your energy costs are really spiking, there may be a problem with your system or with your home that is causing your AC in Fresno, CA to operate at reduced efficiency levels. Here are just a few examples of problems that can lead to such issues. 

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Consider These Tips for Hiding Your Outdoor HVAC Unit

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

Consider These Tips for Hiding Your Outdoor HVAC UnitEveryone loves having air conditioning, especially in sunny Fresno, California, where temperatures often reach 100 degrees. However, not everyone loves the look of the outdoor HVAC unit. Thankfully, there are measures that homeowners can take to hide their units and keep their lawns looking pristine.

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Are You a Super Saver?

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Every homeowner wants—and, we believe, deserves—to live comfortably in his or her own home, all year long. Those thrifty homeowners looking to save themselves a bit of money here and there, though, often self-sabotage their comfort, as they skip over the maintenance services that their HVAC systems need to truly succeed. If you find yourself thinking about doing so, we not only implore you to reconsider: we also have a deal to share with you. Consider taking advantage of our Fall Super Saver Maintenance Agreement. This is a great way to enjoy reliable comfort and an efficient performance from your HVAC system, while also enjoying real monetary savings on your initial investment. This deal won’t stick around forever, though, so contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning to learn more.

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Is My Air Conditioner in Need of Repairs? 3 Signs to Watch Out For

Monday, August 24th, 2015

You don’t have to live in California for too long before realizing just how vital it is to have a great air conditioning system installed in your home. You will run it a lot, and all of that use is going to take its toll on the system. By scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance with a member of our staff, you can help to protect the overall condition and operational quality of your system. Of course, even this cannot completely eliminate the risk of problems with your system. You are going to require air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA at some point. When you do, we recommend that you give the pros at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning a chance to show you what truly outstanding AC repair service looks like.

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