Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioner’

3 Reasons You Are Paying Too Much to Cool Your Home

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Living in the Fresno, CA area means that you are going to rely upon your air  quite heavily during our long summer season. Even those of us who most appreciate hot, sunny days know that it is a lot easier to do so when we have a cool, comfortable home waiting for us at the end of the day. We also know, though, that sufficiently cooling our homes comes at a price. To ensure that you are cooling your home in the most efficient manner possible, keep the following issues in mind. By avoiding these problems and practices, you can pay a more reasonable price for living comfortably throughout the summer season. Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning for more details. 

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5 Air Conditioner Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

5 Air Conditioner Sounds You Don't Want to HearAny air conditioner sounds other than the soft whoosh of cool comfort flowing through the vents should draw your attention. They may not turn out to be mechanically significant, but noise that persists should be checked out by a qualified HVAC technician before it becomes more than a simple annoyance.

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Protect Your A/C Unit From Theft This Summer

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Protect Your A/C Unit From Theft This SummerProtecting your A/C unit from theft also protects your comfort and your bank account. Air conditioner theft is a major problem that’s not going away. Theft of metal in the U.S. is a billion-dollar enterprise. Over 95 percent of scrap metal thefts are for copper, and the condenser coil and refrigerant lines in the vulnerable outdoor half of your central A/C contain a lot of it.

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Why You May Want to Cool Your Home without Air Ducts

Monday, June 1st, 2015

Traditionally, the use of air ducts in cooling one’s home was the norm. A central air conditioner would remove heat from the air in the house, and that heat would be vented outdoors. Following the removal of this heat, the cooled air would then be redistributed throughout the house via a system of ductwork.

While ducted whole-house cooling systems are still probably the most prevalent cooling option, many homeowners today are opting for ductless alternatives. There are a few reasons as to why they choose to do so. Consider the following information, and let us know if you think that ductless cooling is the right option for your home and personal preferences. If so, schedule your ductless air conditioning services in Fresno, CA with the professional cooling technicians at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning. 

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How an Air Conditioner Works: 7 Parts You Need to Know

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

Air conditioners are complex machines that manipulate refrigerant to cool your Fresno home. If one component of the air conditioner isn’t functioning correctly, it can affect other parts or the entire air conditioner. To enjoy maximum cooling efficiency this season, it helps to know how an air conditioner works so you may better identify problems and realize the importance of maintenance.

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A How-To Guide to Air Conditioner Maintenance for the Homeowner

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

A How-To Guide to Air Conditioner Maintenance for the HomeownerWhile you should schedule professional air conditioner maintenance yearly, you can complete plenty of tasks yourself without any training or access to special tools. Follow this how-to guide to keep your A/C in good shape between formal tune-ups.

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7 Ways to Keep Cooling Costs Down Without Compromising Comfort

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

7 Ways to Keep Cooling Costs Down Without Compromising ComfortA large portion of your energy bill is comprised of cooling costs. But how can you cut down on this expense without sacrificing your comfort? Here are eight ways to keep those air conditioning costs down while still staying cool.

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At What Point Should I Schedule AC Repairs?

Monday, May 11th, 2015

Deciding when to break out the checkbook and schedule air conditioning repair services can be tough for some frugal homeowners. However, we here at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning feel compelled to tell you that it is always best to do so prior to the complete breakdown of your home cooling system. The old adage about not fixing it if it’s not broken does not really apply here, as even the most “minor” of air conditioning problems can lead to serious headaches and system failure down the road. That is why we’ve put together a few tips for you to help to determine if the time for air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA has arrived. Contact us the moment that you believe your air conditioner is compromised. 

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Don’t Forget A/C Preventative Maintenance to Avoid Costly Repairs

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

Don't Forget A/C Preventative Maintenance to Avoid Costly RepairsRoutine preventative maintenance is essential for most machinery, and air conditioners are no exception. Many homeowners skip preventative maintenance, then wonder why their system breaks down. Here are some of the reasons to consider routine preventive maintenance for your air conditioner.

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Change Your Air Filter Regularly to Ensure Your A/C’s Efficiency

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Change Your Air Filter Regularly to Ensure Your A/C's EfficiencyYour HVAC system’s air filter is a screen of fiber mesh that is installed in your central air system in the path of incoming air. As air is drawn into the central air unit, the filter catches and holds particulate pollution present in your circulating air – anything from dust and pollen to animal dander and fungal spores. If these were to get into your central A/C, they could build up on the evaporator coil and prevent it from cooling your indoor air.

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