Investing in seasonal HVAC maintenance will help ensure the heating and cooling system in your Fresno area home runs efficiently, effectively and safely throughout the year. Regular use takes its toll on your HVAC equipment, reducing its energy efficiency, and increasing the chance of unexpected breakdowns and repairs. Scheduling seasonal HVAC maintenance provides many benefits for you and your household. Some of these benefits include:
Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘energy efficiency’
Seasonal HVAC Maintenance will Keep Your System Running Smoothly All Year Long
Tuesday, May 27th, 201410 Pointers for Locating a Reputable HVAC Professional
Tuesday, May 13th, 2014Your home’s cooling and heating systems are essential for your comfort and greatly affect long-term energy costs. A reputable HVAC professional can make all the difference in both. HVAC equipment may be the most complex systems you have in your home, and expertise is critical to get the best performance from it. So how do you find a reputable HVAC professional:
Landscaping and How it Can Help Your Home’s Efficiency
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014Landscaping’s main purpose is to make your yard and property look attractive, but you can have plants, trees and bushes do double duty by helping to enhance the overall efficiency of your home. With creative designs and strategic placement, you can conserve water, reduce pesticide use and pollution, and reduce your summer air conditioning costs. It takes a bit of planning but is actually relatively easy to do.
Optimize Your Home Comfort: Installing Energy Saving Windows Make a Difference
Tuesday, April 1st, 2014Most homeowners have heard about energy saving windows for the home and how great they can be for energy efficiency, but do they really have a big impact on the average home? Absolutely they do. According to the National Resources Defense Council, as much as one-third of all heat loss in winter is attributable to inefficient windows. Imagine what that means in terms of heating bills.
Furnace Installation Planned? 3 Points to Consider During Planning
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014Electricity Usage Myths That Affect Your Utility Bill
Tuesday, March 18th, 2014As a homeowner, you may be constantly looking for ways to save money on energy bills. Don’t fall for these common electricity usage myths that could actually cost you money:
For Some Households, a Storage-Type Water Heater Makes the Most Sense
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014New technology is always exciting and gets a lot of attention, but for some homes and living situations, it’s not necessarily better than the tried-and-true conventional option. One case in point is the plethora of tankless water heater systems versus conventional storage tank water heaters. When you replace your water heater, consider the following arguments in favor of a storage tank water heater before you make a decision:
Your Furnace: How Efficient Should It Be?
Thursday, February 20th, 2014Of course, efficiency matters when choosing a new furnace for your Fresno area home – but there are trade-offs to think about. Highly efficient heating systems (with 90-97 percent efficiency ratings) have a higher purchase price. Since you won’t be relying upon home heating like someone from the Northeast U.S. would, paying a premium for super-high efficiency may not be your biggest concern. As an educated consumer, you’ll want to weigh the following factors regarding a new furnace:
Furnace Installation: Three Important Factors to Consider
Tuesday, February 18th, 2014Gas Furnaces: How Long Will Yours Last?
Thursday, February 13th, 2014There are many factors that contribute to the lifespan of gas furnaces, including the quality of the furnace, installation quality, how hard it works, and regular maintenance as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. On average, a furnace will last somewhere between 15 and 20 years. Unfortunately, many furnaces simply give out at the end of their lifespan without a great deal of warning. Therefore, if your gas furnace has passed the 15-year mark, it is a good idea to begin researching replacement options.