Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno area in California’

UV Lights: Fights Pollutants So You Don’t Have To

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Ultraviolet lights are highly efficient at neutralizing many air-borne pollutants that can plague asthma or allergy sufferers.  Installing these air-purifying aids in your HVAC system will give a quick and substantial boost to your indoor air quality.

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The Worst-Case Scenario Has Happened: Your Air Conditioning System Has Died; Here’s What To Do Next

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

If your air conditioning system has reached the end of its life in the middle of a hot San JoaquinValley summer, you can’t delay replacing it.  Here are a few important guidelines for selecting your new unit so you can make the most of your investment.

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Home Advisor’s Energy-Savings Tips For Fresno Homeowners

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

As a San Joaquin Valley homeowner, you most likely cool and heat your home with central air conditioning and a gas furnace, while heating your water with a gas water heater.  If this is the case, you have the potential to achieve significant energy savings with a few do-it-yourself tips.

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Use Air Purification Systems To Your Advantage

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Air purification systems reduce and remove pollutants from the air indoors. There are many different types of purifiers available. Portable units can be moved between rooms or you can have a permanent system installed that removes air contaminants in your entire home.

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HVAC Service Quotes Get You On The Road To Savings: Tips On How To Read Them

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Your HVAC system is the most important part of keeping your home comfortable.  As such, you need to make sure you have competent people servicing and working on it.  You want to save money but you also want to make sure you understand what you’re going to be paying for.  That is why it’s so important to properly interpret HVAC service quotes.

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Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning’s HVAC Affiliations Mean Stellar Service

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Choosing the right HVAC contractor is an important task because of the huge role they play in keeping your home comfortable.  When you are comparing different HVAC companies, one of the key things to look for is HVAC affiliations.  Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning leads the pack in the San Joaquin Valley, which has led to our success for over 40 years.

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Tips That Make Your Home Comfort And Savings A Priority

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Being comfortable in your home is a top priority, but so is accomplishing savings.  There are some upfront investments you may need to make to improve comfort and achieve long-term savings.  Then, with a few other free or inexpensive tips, you can lower your electricity bill without forfeiting home comfort.

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Ductwork Design And Installation Is Critical To HVAC System Efficiency: How Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Can Help

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

A typical home in the Fresno area will lose 20 percent of the air traveling through its ducts.  This is air you have already paid for so it basically means that money is leaking from your home.  When considering your ductwork design and installation, you need the professional assistance to make sure that the ductwork is laid out efficiently and that the installation is done properly.  

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