Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno’

A Fall HVAC Checkup Should Address These Issues

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

10.02.13To get the most from your energy dollars as the heating season begins, schedule a fall HVAC checkup for your heat pump or furnace. These systems need routine maintenance to provide the most energy-efficient heating for your Fresno area home, and if you use a gas or propane heating system, you’ll ensure your safety by having an HVAC professional go through it.

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Handling Dust: What Is It, and What Can You Do About It in Your Home?

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

While there is much to love about Fresno, folks from the West Side to Woodward Park all have to deal with something rather un-beautiful: dust. While most people understand that dust is made up mainly of dead skin cells, pollen and animal dander, “What’s in Household Dust? Don’t Ask,” an article from TIME Magazine, revealed an uncomfortably complete list of dust’s makeup:

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Change Your Air Filter With the Seasons, and Other Tasks

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

09.24.13Furnace air filters are critical to the performance of your cooling and heating system. Every bit of heated or cooled air passes through those filters. That means every breath you and your family take depends on your air filter to remove harmful dust, pollen and other small particles that pass through the filter. An essential part of preparing for the change of seasons in the San Joaquin Valley is to check your filter, and change it if it looks dirty.

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Check Your Insulation Before the Heating Season

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Check Your Insulation Before the Heating SeasonWith fall approaching in the San Joaquin Valley, the need for air conditioning will decrease as the cold weather approaches. Before the first cold snap arrives, you’ll have time to check your insulation. The changing of the seasons is the perfect time to check levels of insulating materials to make sure you have enough for the coming winter.

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Duct System Design for a Redo or New Home: Get It Right

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Duct System Design for a Redo or New Home: Get It RightDuct system design is an important part of any home’s forced-air heating and cooling system. If not done right, it can result in years of energy losses, decreased efficiency, and possibly even lowered air quality. Your ducts’ job is to deliver conditioned air throughout your home, and then return air to the HVAC equipment to be reheated or cooled. If air is being lost through leaky or defective ducts, or heat is transferring in and out of uninsulated ducts, you’re paying to condition air that’s not getting where it’s supposed to go.

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2013 Tax Credits: Have You Used Yours Yet?

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

2013 Tax Credits: Have You Used Yours Yet?As 2013 draws to a close, your opportunity to collect federal tax credits for high-efficiency HVAC upgrades is drawing to an end. On Dec. 31, most of these credits will expire, making new heating and cooling equipment for your house more expensive. If you’re looking to replace your air conditioner or furnace because it’s nearing the end of its service life or because the cost of cooling your house during Fresno’s hot summers is too high, consider taking advantage of these programs:

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Solar Panel Installations: Is Your Roof Ready?

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Solar Panel Installations: Is Your Roof Ready?In the heat of the summer, we all understand the power of the sun. Increasing numbers of us are learning to harness this energy to cut our utility costs. Heating and cooling homes, generating electricity from solar panels, is becoming a reality for more and more people. If you want to join them and press ahead with solar panel installations, you first need to check if your roof is solar ready:

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Ailing Ducts: Pinpoint the Cause and Find a Cure

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Ailing Ducts: Pinpoint the Cause and Find a CureIssues with inadequate home comfort and high energy bills often can be traced back to poor duct design. Use this handy guide to identify possible issues with air ducts, and remedy duct problems for a major boost in home comfort and a reduction in energy bills.

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Solar Attic Fan: Reduce Heat and Moisture

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Solar Attic Fan: Reduce Heat and MoistureReducing the heat load in your attic will cut down on the amount of cooling your home needs. One of the best ways to accomplish this in our region is with a solar attic fan. The San Joaquin Valley has plentiful sunshine to power the fan during the sunniest hours of the day.

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Air Conditioner Anatomy: How All Those Parts Work Together to Keep You Cool and Comfy

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Air Conditioner Anatomy: How All Those Parts Work Together to Keep You Cool and ComfyThe San Joaquin Valley cooling season is long and hot, and your air conditioner works hard to keep you cool. Knowing a little about air conditioner anatomy will help you communicate with an HVAC technician in the event service is needed on your system, and will also help you troubleshoot common air conditioning problems later in the summer.

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