If your home has an attached garage, you probably enjoy the convenience factor, but have you ever wondered whether contaminated air from your garage can seep into your home? When your house is not properly sealed against your garage, the health of yourself and your family may be compromised. By educating yourself on the threats posed by dirty air from your attached garage and taking measures to prevent its passage into your home, you can protect your household.
Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fresno’
Is The Polluted Air From Your Garage Seeping Into Your Home?
Tuesday, January 29th, 2013Your Plumbing System: Check It Regularly — You’ll Be Spared Trouble Down The Line
Thursday, January 24th, 2013You won’t regret the time and money you invest in your San Joaquin Valley home’s heating and cooling system. It’s an investment that pays off in the immediate future and far down the line. The same can be said of your home’s plumbing system. Just like your heating and cooling equipment, your plumbing system requires regular maintenance. Give it the attention it needs, and it will continue to serve you in the long-term.
Design It Right, And Your Duct System Will Deliver
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013Whether you’re building a new home or retrofitting an older one, it pays to take the time to design your duct system right. A poorly designed duct system nearly guarantees you’ll reap less-than-desirable effects including:
Taking Charge Of the Batts In Your Attic: Get Your Gear Together
Thursday, January 17th, 2013Adding batts in the attic – insulation batts – offers protection against heat transfer, giving your home’s uppermost region a fighting chance during the heating season to lock in comfortable home temperatures and limit energy consumption. Here’s a guide to choosing and installing insulation batts in the attic:
Your Home Energy Evaluation: Why The Blower Door Test Is A Key Component
Tuesday, January 15th, 2013You may have performed a do-it-yourself home energy evaluation in an attempt to seal air leaks that allow valuable conditioned air to escape from your home. If you have: Congrats! An airtight home creates lower heating and cooling loads, resulting in lower energy bills year-round. DIY jobs, however, generally don’t offer the same results that a professional home energy evaluation can. Namely, a pro utilizes a blower door test, which is considered the best tool to comprehensively measure a home’s leakage and locate those areas where air is leaking.
You’re Shopping For A Furnace? Consider These High-Performance Features
Thursday, January 10th, 2013Make the most of your investment when shopping for a furnace. Choosing a system with unique, high-performance features impacts not just your bottom line; these features also dictate how comfortable your home is and how long the system lasts. The key to ensuring home comfort and lasting equipment lies in choosing advanced features that provide options in terms of operating speeds, while also improving safety and efficiency. When shopping for a furnace, here’s what you should look for:
Learn How Your Furnace Works Now — You Might Be Tested Later
Tuesday, January 8th, 2013No one is likely to show up at your home and hand you a quiz on how your furnace works. However, if your heating system malfunctions, you’ll definitely be tested – in your patience, your troubleshooting knowledge, and your ability to determine when it’s time to call in a professional. Here’s a basic description of how your furnace works to make it easier for you to “pass” these tests.
What’s Better Than The Energy Star Logo? The Energy Star Most Efficient Label
Thursday, January 3rd, 2013The Energy Star logo has come a long way. It’s now widely recognized by consumers and homeowners alike, and utilized by scores of Americans looking for highly efficient home electronics, appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling equipment. Not resting on its laurels, the federal Energy Star program has put a pilot program into action nationwide. It’s the Energy Star Most Efficient Label, which provides consumers with an easy way to identify the “best of the best” in terms of Energy Star-qualified equipment.
Sealing Your Ducts? So What Are You Using, Anyway?
Tuesday, January 1st, 2013Before sealing your ducts, you’ll need to select the right material for this important home maintenance job. It’s now possible to select an advanced duct-sealing material, ensuring a long-lasting, tightly sealed duct system. With efficient ductwork, homeowners experience improved comfort and lower energy bills. There are two basic options when it comes to choosing materials for sealing your ducts: mastic sealant and tape. Learn the pros and cons of each.