Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hanford’

Does the Size of Your AC Really Matter?

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Summer is officially in full swing, which means that temperatures are rising, and rising, and rising…  Of course, then, that means whipping out some marshmallows for roasting, some burgers for grilling, and oh yeah, an air conditioner for keeping cool!

When temperatures begin to soar, you want to make sure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the heat. And that means if you are buying a new air conditioner, making sure that it is the perfect fit for your home. Sure, your first instinct might be to purchase the biggest, most powerful air conditioner on the market, however, this isn’t such a great idea. You see, when it comes to your air conditioner, size really does matter, and below, we will tell you why. Keep reading to find out more.

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Help! My AC Is Rapidly Turning On and Off

Monday, May 27th, 2019

AC-topviewIf your air conditioner keeps turning off then on then off, rapidly, it is a sign that you’ve got something serious going on with your system. This phenomenon is often referred to as short cycling, and it is a symptom of various potential issues!

Here’s the thing — you don’t want your AC to start short cycling. Not only does it put a lot of strain on the system, but it is also extremely inefficient. Let the issue go long enough, and you’ll see higher energy bills and maybe even a new air conditioner. Of course, we don’t want this to happen, so below, we’ve explained why short cycling happens in the first place. Keep reading to find out more!

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Is it Time to Kiss Your AC Goodbye?

Monday, May 13th, 2019

ac-moneyWe understand that saying goodbye can be difficult. You and your air conditioner have spent countless summers together and it’s kept you cool throughout every heatwave that’s hit California. Surely, the decision to replace your air conditioner doesn’t come easy, however, when it’s time, it’s time.

Okay yes, we were definitely being a little overdramatic, but the truth of the matter is that you don’t want to hold off on replacing your air conditioner, especially if it’s no longer efficient or effective. In fact, there are quite a few signs that suggest it’s time to upgrade your AC, and below, we’ve listed them for you. Keep reading to find out more!

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Tips for a Better AC Performance

Monday, August 20th, 2018

condenserFirst off, note that we didn’t say a perfect AC performance. An air conditioner, even the best one on the market and even those installed by trained, experienced professionals, is still a  mechanical system. That means that, like any other mechanical system, they are subject to occasional operational problems. When that time comes, you can count on us to provide you with exceptional air conditioning repairs. Our air conditioning services in Hanford, CA are nothing if not comprehensive.

Okay, that being said, how can you get the best performance that your air conditioner can offer?  That is the subject of today’s post. Just because we’re already pretty far into the summer season doesn’t mean that this type of information can’t still be of use! So read on, and remember that our technicians are the ones that you want on the job if you want the best performance possible from your home cooling system.

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Wait—Air Conditioners Get Water Leaks?

Monday, July 9th, 2018

AC-technicianYou may not have much cause to meander past your indoor air conditioning unit all that often, depending upon its location in your home. You should be in its direct vicinity at least on a monthly basis, however, because you need to change its air filter at least that often. So what if you are passing by your unit, and you notice that it is surrounded by water? What would you do in that instance? Assume that you have a water leak and call a professional plumber?

Well, the problem with this is that air conditioning systems do not actually use water in their efforts to cool your home. They do not have a water tank of any kind, nor are they fed water for any purpose. So—where the heck is this water coming from? And should I be concerned? The short answers to these questions are frustratingly vague. There are a few potential problems that could be behind it and: maybe. So let’s take a closer look at the issue, and help to determine if you need professional air conditioning repair in Hanford, CA.

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What Role Does Refrigerant Play in My AC?

Monday, April 16th, 2018

AC-technician-workingAn incredibly important one, that’s what role it plays! Of course, regular readers of our blog know that there is a lot more information coming below—we just wanted to get that basic answer to the question posed in the title out there right away. Refrigerant plays an integral role in the overall cooling process, which relies on heat transfer, that allows your air conditioner to keep your home comfortable even as temperatures soar outside.

So let’s take a look at precisely what the refrigerant in your AC does for your system—as well as the trouble that may ensue if you have a low refrigerant charge in that system. While we are at it, why not also talk about why you may have a low refrigerant charge to begin with? All that, and more, after this brief message from our—oh, sorry. We got a bit carried away there. Just keep reading, and remember to contact us when you need air conditioning service in Hanford, CA.

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Now Is a Great Time for That AC Tune-Up

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

AC-topviewThe last thing that you want to do is go into another long, hot summer season unprepared. What does preparing for the summer mean? Different things for different people. Maybe you’ve got a lot of trips planned out, or you just want to play it mostly by ear. One step of preparation that everyone in this area should take, though, is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Hanford, CA. The benefits of doing so and the risks of not doing so are too great to overlook.

Annual air conditioning maintenance will only be as beneficial as possible to you, of course, if you remember to schedule this vital service with skilled, trained professionals. That is why we urge you to leave your AC tune-ups to a member of our team. Be sure to give us a call before the heating season really sets in. That way, your air conditioner will not be caught off-guard when the hottest weather of the year arrives.

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New AC—Is This the Year?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

woman-electric-fanSpring is a very pleasant time of the year in this part of the country. Cool nights, warm but not oppressively hot days—what’s not to like? Don’t let the pleasures of spring lull you into a false sense of security, though. Temperatures can turn very hot very suddenly, which means that your air conditioner needs to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

While routine AC maintenance will definitely help to keep your air conditioner in great fighting shape, you have to keep in mind that your air conditioner, regardless of make or model, is not going to last forever. Is the year to replace your air conditioner in Hanford, CA? If so, then now is the time to get the job done!

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Common Furnace Issues Heating

Monday, February 5th, 2018

HVAC-wiresWhile California is certainly more well known for its seemingly limitless sunshine than it is for its winter weather, the fact of the matter is that temperatures can and do drop well below comfortable levels around here. That is why it is so important for homeowners to have great heating systems installed in their homes, one of the most popular of which is the furnace. While modern furnaces are typically very reliable, you need to remember that no heater will ever be 100% reliable.

There are a number of problems that you may encounter with your furnace that could put your heating in Hanford, CA in jeopardy. While we cannot give you some magical ability to completely eliminate the risk of encountering such issues in your home, we can give you some helpful information regarding common furnace problems. These issues are not normal, and you should not ignore them just because it seems as though your furnace is still operating decently.

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Are There Cold Spots in Your Home?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

dog-under-blanketJust because our winters are not as cold as those in other parts of the country is no reason to overlook the fact that they are certainly cold enough for discomfort. When your home is chilly and drafty, there is no way in which you are going to be able to live in the level of comfort that you desire and, we believe, deserve. That is why you should do whatever it takes to eliminate cold spots in your home.

But why might cold spots pop up, anyway? Well, as is the case with most heating problems, there are a number of reasons why you may encounter cold spots in your home. The Hanford, CA heating professionals on our team are here to help, though. When we investigate the situation, we’ll give you the proper diagnosis the first time around. From there, we can advise you as to how you can best go about resolving the problem and live more comfortably.

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