Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hanford’

Harness the Energy of the Sun This Summer!

Monday, June 27th, 2016

We are definitely not at a loss for sunshine in this part of the country. Why not harness the power of that sun for use throughout your home? It’s up there shining away most days anyway, right? When you schedule solar PV panel services in Hanford, CA with a member of our team, you can start putting the sun to work for you. If you are interested in using electricity in your home in a more affordable and environmentally friendly manner, then solar power may be just what you need. The installation of solar PV equipment is something that only trained professionals can handle, of course, so be sure to schedule service with us.

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Why Is Routine Air Conditioning Maintenance So Important?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Once the heat of the summer season really sets in around here, you are going to be very grateful for the outstanding cooling performance put forth by your residential air conditioning system. Of course, there are no guarantees that you will enjoy such a performance, even from the best air conditioners on the market today. In order to get the most from any home cooling system, it is important that you schedule routine air conditioning maintenance in Hanford, CA. Dial our number to do so, and know that your air conditioner is in the outstanding condition necessary for cooling your home with outstanding results. 

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Do You Have a Dehumidifier in Your Home?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

It’s not the heat, but the humidity making you uncomfortable. This may not be entirely true, but it is something that we’ve all heard from time to time, and the fact of the matter is that excess humidity can certainly add to one’s discomfort. How can one go about resolving this issue in his or her home, though? By having a whole-house dehumidifier installed therein, by the professional IAQ technicians on our staff. Don’t waste your time moving a small, ineffective, portable dehumidifier around the house from room to room. These appliances have their uses, but if you want to combat excessive humidity throughout your entire home, a whole-house dehumidifier in Hanford, CA is certainly the way to go.

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Here’s How to Save Energy in 2016

Monday, January 4th, 2016

Every homeowner in Hanford, CA is probably looking to improve their homestead in some way now that the new year is upon us. Whether that means major renovations and repairs or just light maintenance, you may also want to consider the energy efficiency of your house. This is not only to save a bit of money during the summer and winter months, but also to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and other forms of energy. All in all, there’s work to be done, and here are a few energy-saving tips that may help you out.

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Ensuring an Efficient Heating Season

Monday, October 26th, 2015

In this part of the country, we simply do not rely upon our home heating systems as much as homeowners in other areas of the country do. However, it is still vital that you are able to count on your heating system for a reliable, effective and efficient heating performance on those occasions that it is necessary to heat your home. Even if your system is not used all that much, you should not be paying more than you should have to in order to heat your home. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy more efficient heating in Hanford, CA this winter. Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning with any further questions that you may have. 

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Maintaining Sufficient Humidity throughout the Fall and Winter

Monday, October 19th, 2015

We may not all be switching over to our heating systems just yet, but there is no denying that the hottest weather of the year is now behind us. As the winter season approaches and fall is getting underway, you may find that the air in your home is a bit drier than you’d like. As you begin running your home heating system to keep yourself and your family warm and cozy throughout the day, you may find the issue is only aggravated. If you are concerned about low humidity levels in your home, then you should seriously consider the use of a whole-house humidifier in Hanford, CA. Contact a member of the Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning team with any questions that you may have surrounding the humidification of your home.

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