Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Tips to Take Care of Your Furnace

Monday, February 24th, 2025

The winter season may be winding down, but taking care of your system is just as important as ever – maybe even more so. There are steps that you can take before turning the system off for spring and summer months can go a long way toward helping it operate at its best when falls rolls back around.

In addition to following these steps yourself, you can also call our team to schedule professional furnace maintenance in Fresno, CA. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about caring for your furnace and why these steps are so crucial. Then, if you haven’t already made the appointment, give us a call to get on the calendar for annual service

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What is That Booming Sound? 

Monday, January 13th, 2025

Any unusual sounds coming from your furnace should be concerning to you. But a booming sound is especially dangerous when you have a gas furnace. It can point to issues with ignition that are adding a lot of strain to your system. 

If you do hear booming, call us right away for furnace repair in Hanford, CA. You can keep reading to learn more about what booming means and exactly why it’s so concerning for your furnace and your family. 

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Why Your Heater Can’t Produce Warm Air

Monday, January 17th, 2022

chilly-man-no-heatA heater that isn’t able to heat your home really isn’t a heater. Until you get the system heating again or replace it with a system that does create warmth, you really just have an overly expensive fan in your home that you really don’t want to use.

You may be confused as to why your heater is struggling to do its job. We understand the curiosity. There is, unsurprisingly, more than one possible cause for this issue. The good news is that our team can address all of them with repairs or, if necessary, a system replacement!

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3 Signs You Need a New Heater

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

How to Decide If You Should Repair or Replace Your HVAC SystemThis isn’t the time of year when you want to battle with your heating system. It has been cold and wet and all anyone wants to do is hunker down at home in the warmth. If you can’t heat up your home though you have a problem on your hands.

It is frustrating to have a heater that refuses to work. While an HVAC contractor in Fresno, CA can provide repairs for your system, you may also need to discuss whether or not you need to replace your system.

Here’s what you need to know about the warning signs that you need a new heater.

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Save Some Green With End of-Season Heating Repairs

Monday, March 15th, 2021

While we are all looking forward to enjoying warmer weather it does not mean that it is time to simply turn off your heater until fall. If your heating system needs to be repaired it is better to get this task done before shutting your system down.

It is worthwhile to take some time to have a professional technician check your heater to address a possible late-season heating repair in Clovis, CA. If your system is left with an unaddressed repair need it is likely to cause even more serious trouble later on.

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3 Reasons to Consider a Heater Upgrade

Monday, March 1st, 2021

dog-under-blanketRecent temperatures have been a nice reprieve from the cold weather that we have been battling for the past couple of months. However, it doesn’t mean that winter is over. Things are bound to cool back down and you need to have a reliable system for heating in Fresno, CA when it gets chilly again. If your heater has been less than reliable lately it may mean that it is time to consider a system upgrade.

If you are unsure whether or not you need an upgrade or you can get by with a repair we can help. We’ve provided some of the most common reasons that you should consider an upgrade so you know whether or not it is the right time to reach out to us. If you are still unsure whether you need a replacement or not contact our team to get the help of a professional. We will never suggest a service you don’t need.

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Should You Consider a New Thermostat This Year?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Imagine trying to drive a car without a wheel. Okay, maybe that is a bit too much. Imagine trying to get a phone to work without any buttons or touchscreen function. In with case, your ability to command the device is gone. This is what it is like having a heater without a working thermostat.

Your thermostat is vital to your Lemoore, CA HVAC system–without it, your systems wouldn’t have any way to know when you wanted them to turn on or for how long. If your thermostat is malfunctioning, a lot can still go wrong. That is why, if you’ve been doing battle with your thermostat, we want you to know that now is a great time for new beginnings.

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Why Heater Maintenance is Important

Monday, November 9th, 2020

dog-under-blanketThe temperatures around here feel like they dropped at the speed of a rollercoaster. We went from wearing shorts and trying to keep cool to wrapping up in sweaters and blankets. The change happened pretty quickly but that doesn’t mean it is too late for your heater to get its yearly tune-up. In fact, it makes it even more important! If this is when the cold is really truly setting in, don’t you want to make sure you take care of your heater so it can take care of you?

You may be wondering if heating maintenance is really worth it. We want you to know that it is, and it is actually quite important for your comfort this fall and beyond. Some people think it is fine to wait until they need a heating repair in Fresno, CA but the truth is this can be really bad for your system over time. There is more than one reason that we suggest you schedule a tune-up every year.

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Is It Time For a Heater Replacement?

Monday, March 16th, 2020

question-markThe heat has been less reliable than usual at your house and you are starting to get nervous. Yes, we may live in California but Fresno gets pretty cold even through spring. It isn’t all sunshine all the time and on days when it drops below ?? you need a heater that you can trust to do its job.

With this in mind, if your heater is having serious trouble, you may need to start considering whether you need to replace the system or not. If you are dealing with a troublesome Fresno, CA heating unit, thankfully you have a good resource here to help you determine what you next step may need to be. Let’s take a look at what the signs might be that you need to say goodbye to your old heater.

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What Heater Works Best For You?

Monday, January 6th, 2020

man-keeping-warmYou finally are going to be able to get the house that you always dreamed of built! Or, maybe you recently moved into an older home that never had a heater installed. Whether your home is in the process of being created or it has been around longer than Fresno has, you deserve to have a working heater in your home.

When it comes to heating in Fresno, CA though, there is a wealth of options. Your choice has several factors that can affect it but at the end of the day the most important decision is this: what heating system is going to meet your needs in the best way possible?

Well, because we are the professionals who made their name providing home comfort to residents all around Fresno, we are happy to say we can help you narrow down the playing field.

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