Your HVAC system is the most important part of keeping your home comfortable. As such, you need to make sure you have competent people servicing and working on it. You want to save money but you also want to make sure you understand what you’re going to be paying for. That is why it’s so important to properly interpret HVAC service quotes.
Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘hvac systems’
HVAC Service Quotes Get You On The Road To Savings: Tips On How To Read Them
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011“Greening” Your Home? Consider Dual-Fuel Systems
Thursday, June 16th, 2011Dual-fuel (or hybrid) home-heating systems are gaining in popularity across the country. The flexibility they provide in choosing your energy source helps you save money on your utility bills, and it’s also a “green” alternative to traditional heating systems. To a certain extent, they allow you to switch to whatever heat source is most affordable during the winter.