Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality’

Signs That Your Indoor Air Quality Is Slipping

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

Breathing air of a high quality within your home is imperative if you hope to live in the comfort that we know you deserve. Unfortunately, too many homeowners overlook this vital facet of the comfort equation, mistakenly focusing entirely upon their HVAC systems and their performances. While subpar indoor air quality may not be as immediately noticeable as oppressively hot temperatures within the home, it is still very problematic. Fortunately, there are some early warning signs that can tip you off to subpar indoor air quality in Kingsburg, CA. Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning if you notice any of the following indicators in your living space.

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Why Should I Use an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Homeowners everywhere are always looking for ways to live in greater comfort. Too often, though, homeowners mistakenly believe that doing so necessitates only a great heating and/or cooling system. This is a very problematic stance to take, as it ignores the vital role that indoor air quality plays in determining the overall comfort level in any given home. If you are interested in boosting your indoor air quality, you should give serious consideration to the use of an energy recovery ventilation in Sanger, CA. To learn more about ERVs and the potential benefits of using such a device in your home, just contact a member of the Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning team.

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When Are UV Germicidal Lights Advisable?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

It is not enough that you maintain comfortable temperatures throughout the year if you wish to live in the truly comprehensive comfort that we believe you deserve. You must also take any necessary steps to ensure that your indoor air quality is high, as well. This can be rather tricky, as there are so many potential problems which may set back the quality of the air throughout your home. The good news is that the IAQ specialists on our staff are here to help. One option to consider, in certain circumstances, is the installation of UV germicidal lights in Fresno, CA. Read the following post, and contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning if you think that a UV air purifier is what you need in your home.

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Good Reasons to Make HVAC Maintenance a Top Priority

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

Good Reasons to Make HVAC Maintenance a Top PriorityThe top reasons to make HVAC maintenance a priority include maintaining uninterrupted comfort indoors, achieving lower energy bills and improving safety conditions. The investment in professional maintenance also prevents costly and avoidable repairs, along with extending the lifetime of this complex appliance.

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What’s the Difference Between ERVs and HRVs?

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

What's the Difference Between ERVs and HRVs?Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) and Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) are balanced ventilation systems that remove stale, stagnant air from inside your house while adding back an equal volume of fresh outdoor air. As homes have become more tightly constructed and air-sealed to conserve energy, air stagnation and unhealthy indoor air quality have become acute. ERVs and HRVs not only ventilate with balanced air volume, but they also transfer heat. The advantages of both ERVs and HRVs depend largely on the status of air infiltration through cracks, gaps and other air leaks. Older, “leaky” houses typically benefit less from ERVs and HRVs than newer, airtight structures.

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How to Maintain Good IAQ While Remodeling Your Home

Thursday, July 30th, 2015

How to Maintain Good IAQ While Remodeling Your Fresno HomeRemodeling a home is a big undertaking that can have a considerable impact on the indoor air quality (IAQ) within your home. As you make plans and negotiate with contractors, the last thing you want to worry about is maintaining IAQ while remodeling. That’s why we recommend taking the following steps to ensure the air within your home stays nice and clean.

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Why Use an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

Monday, July 20th, 2015

We all want to live in great comfort throughout the year. This means maintaining great indoor air quality in our homes, as well as comfortable temperatures. The fact of the matter, though, is that it can be difficult to find a happy medium between air quality and efficient temperature maintenance. While sealing a home up very tightly may be an effective way in which to ensure that you are able to both heat and cool your home efficiently, it can also make it all but impossible to ventilate your home effectively. That is why you may want to use an ERV (energy recovery ventilator) in Sanger, CA. Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning today to learn more about these beneficial devices. 

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How to Decrease Humidity in Your Home

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

How to Decrease Humidity in Your Fresno HomeWith the annual average humidity level more than 20 percent higher than ideal conditions, indoor humidity for many Fresno homeowners is a challenge. It affects comfort, indoor air quality and energy bills, but turning down the thermostat when it’s too sticky inside only increases energy bills. Keep reading for practical tips to help decrease humidity and boost comfort in your home.

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Why Add Humidity to the Air In My Home?

Monday, July 6th, 2015

You’ve probably heard cautionary tales about having too much humidity in your home. What you may not understand, given these warnings, is precisely why one would choose to add more humidity to the air throughout his or her home. Well, the answer is quite simple: Having too little humidity in the air in your home is just as detrimental to the quality of that air, as well as to your comfort and your property, as having too much humidity is. This is why many homeowners  utilize whole-house humidifiers in Fresno, CA. If you wish to schedule professional humidifier services, do so with the experts here at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning.

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Tips for Choosing an Air Purifier for Your Home

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Tips for Choosing an Air Purifier for Your Home in FresnoAir purifiers are manufactured in portable and whole-home systems. They’re designed to target specific contaminant classes, such as particulates, microorganisms and/or odors, using various air-cleaning technologies. Read on to learn which air purifier would best serve your home’s needs.

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