Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality’

If You Think Indoor Air Isn’t as Polluted as Outdoor Air, Think Again

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

If You Think Indoor Air Isn't as Polluted as Outdoor Air, Think AgainWith the concerns over smog, car exhaust, dusty Fresno days and pollen, many people think that outside air is more polluted than indoor air. In fact, because outdoor air is cleared by breezes and rain and because pollutants can disperse into the atmosphere, outdoor air is cleaner than indoor air. Managing your indoor air pollution can make your home environment healthier. 

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Improve Energy Efficiency in Your California Home with Professional Duct Maintenance

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Improve Energy Efficiency in Your California Home with Professional Duct MaintenanceThe duct system is a branching network of tubes that convey cooled and heated airflow to the rooms of your home. The efficiency with which this vital function is performed plays heavily in your home’s efficiency and comfort. Consider the benefits of scheduling professional duct maintenance and make your Fresno home more efficient. 

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Consider These Options for Home Ventilation

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Consider These Options for Home Ventilation in FresnoThings are starting to heat up in Fresno. Before you resort to blasting the air conditioner, consider three home ventilation options that help you stay cool for much less.

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At What Point Should I Consider Whole-House Dehumidification?

Monday, May 18th, 2015

With all that can go wrong with the quality of the air in one’s home, the pursuit of great indoor air quality  may seem rightly daunting. The good news is that, by working with the IAQ specialists on our staff, you can overcome the specific air quality issues which plague your comfort and put your health — and even the condition of your property — at risk. One of the most common problems that homeowners experience is the presence of excessive moisture in the air filling their homes.

In such events, the use of a whole-house dehumidifier is strongly encouraged. Determining if such a system is right for you can be tricky, though. Call Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning if you suspect that you may benefit from the use of a dehumidifier in Fresno, CA.

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5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Keep Dust at Bay

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Keep Dust at BayIt’s impossible to completely eliminate all the dust in your home, but you can definitely keep it at bay. If you have dust allergies or just want to improve indoor air quality, try these tips to keep dust to a minimum.

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Change Your Air Filter Regularly to Ensure Your A/C’s Efficiency

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Change Your Air Filter Regularly to Ensure Your A/C's EfficiencyYour HVAC system’s air filter is a screen of fiber mesh that is installed in your central air system in the path of incoming air. As air is drawn into the central air unit, the filter catches and holds particulate pollution present in your circulating air – anything from dust and pollen to animal dander and fungal spores. If these were to get into your central A/C, they could build up on the evaporator coil and prevent it from cooling your indoor air.

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How Does Insulation Benefit You Directly?

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Owning a home means that you have to prioritize the many tasks and projects that add up over time. Ensuring that your home has a sufficient amount of insulation in it should rise right to the top of that list of priorities. By having the right amount of insulation installed in your home, you can enjoy a number of great benefits that you’d otherwise miss out on. Just remember, though, that there are different types of insulation available, and that using the right materials of the right efficiency are necessary in order to get the most from your insulation. Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning to ensure that your insulation in Fresno, CA is of the highest quality. 

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IAQ 101: Carbon Monoxide Detector Testing Tips

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

IAQ 101: Carbon Monoxide Detector Testing TipsA necessary step in any home safety plan is working carbon monoxide detectors, and the only way to ensure they’re working is through regular testing. A carbon monoxide detector with a dead battery is worse than no detector at all, since it might impart a false sense of security.

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Should You Be Using a Humidifier in Your Home?

Monday, April 20th, 2015

California can be subject to pretty dry conditions, and that is certainly the case right now. While very dry air is a very problematic state of affairs in residences, many homeowners fail to realize precisely how negative an impact that this condition can have on their comfort, their health, and even on their property itself. If you suspect that the air in your home is consistently too dry, then you may want to consider using a whole-house humidifier in conjunction with your HVAC system.

Of course, this means that you’ll have to realize that low humidity levels are a problem in the first place. Here are a few tips to help you do so. Remember, contact the Fresno, CA IAQ and HVAC pros at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning to schedule top notch humidifier services. 

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It’s Time to Inspect Your Home’s Attic Ventilation

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

It's Time to Inspect Your Home's Attic VentilationWhether they’re crawlspaces, storage spaces or fitted as lofts, attics don’t exactly have a reputation for comfort. Part of this is because they tend to be hot, stuffy, humid and poorly ventilated. Between indoor heat rising and solar heat hitting the roof and radiating downward, attics can rise to high temperatures. Often they’re not air-conditioned, which makes them a pocket of heat inside your home’s thermal envelope. That’s why home attic ventilation can be so helpful.

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