Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘whole house air cleaner’

Reduce Spring Allergies With These 4 Tips

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Reduce Spring Allergies With These 4 TipsSpring can be a lovely time of year here in the San Joaquin Valley, with perfect temperatures and flowers blooming. Unfortunately, spring can also be a miserable time of the year for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. All of those flowers, grasses and trees blooming and growing results in a lot of pollen in the air, which can cause spring allergies to flare up. There is hope, however, for alleviating allergy symptoms in your Fresno area home. Here are four tips for reducing the occurrence and severity of spring allergies in your home:

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Some Whole-House Air Cleaner and Filtration Options

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Some Whole-House Air Cleaner/Filtration OptionsA whole-house air cleaner/filtration system can make a drastic difference in the quality of the air you breath in your home. This is even more important in today’s energy-efficient, tightly sealed homes, as chemicals, dust and other irritants get trapped indoors with you.

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Summer Indoor Air Quality Need Help? Employ These Tactics

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Summer Indoor Air Quality Need Help? Employ These TacticsAs any allergy sufferer would agree, the air you breathe has a direct affect on your health and comfort. Your home should be a refuge from bad air, but often the air indoors is as bad, or worse, than the air outside. In summer, indoor air quality may worsen as allergens find a way in, despite closed doors and windows. These allergens and other pollutants can be reduced in the following ways.

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